I finally got to do a little machine quilting on this reconstruction piece. I can't wait to get to get it back to my sister. I have my fingers crossed that her girls will be able to get many more years of snuggle use from this heirloom.
Originally a machine pieced top and hand quilted to a flannel back, this beauty has shown the wear of time and use. My younger sister was torn up when she machine washed the heavy quilt and discovered "Holes the size of small plates".
I am guessing this piece was made by a friend of our grandmother's sometime in the 1960's.
I was going to machine applique the 'flowers' on after I fixed the back. The top is so heavy that I could not maneuver it evenly under my regular machine. I struggled through getting the 'feed sack' circles sewn to the back to give a solid surface to applique the cutter quilt pieces to on the front.
My solution was to hand stitch the flowers to the top using crochet thread. (I love texture) Then I got to pin it in to the quilting frame and play with free-hand machine sewing the flowers.
I am pretty happy with the result. I think the quilt has the same 'feel' of a comfort snuggle under quilt AND has a little of my spirit holding together till the next run in with a washing machine.
I promise to only give it back to Sis if she promises to let me handle the washing. Who would have ever thought I would volunteer to do laundry!! - cw