These shots are from my old blog.
If I remember, Erin started me thinking about this layout after she kept showing her progress. I decided to make my stars a bit smaller then hers and my setting strips are 2" to start with.

The star block are from stash that was irregular sizes. I started with 12 piles that were going to be blocks. I used a solid and two prints per pile. The solids were used either in the background, the star or the accent to the star.
The setting strips were from a sets of pre-cut 4" strips that I had left over from a 'cutting' stage.
I decided on a 12 1/2" star so the setting strips would work out. The 4" strips were sub-cut to 2". Then sewn into strip sets and cut at 12 1/2" The left overs were cut at 2" and worked into the 9-patches in the setting sqs.

Here is a picture of my fancy pattern!

The bordered star measured
If I don't get around to quilting this in the next couple of years, I will take it apart and make smaller quilts from it. For some reason I just really seem to put off the BIG projects.
I have changed my mind several times on what I plan to use for the back. What ever I do it will be BIG and MINE.