I know I am a bit late getting this top quilted. No excuses I just didn't know what I wanted to quilt on it and Janet wasn't in a hurry.
This beauty is a graduation gift for her grand-daughter.
My Quilting Group at church has made similar quilts for eleven years for our graduating seniors. It has grown to include quilts for all the family of church family.
Several years ago everyone started requesting photos to be added to the tops. We have gone through several different processes in figuring out the 'best' way to add pictures. My favorite is to give the blank fabric block to the recipient and let them embellish it to their choosing. (My way of saying I don't do the photo transfer)

When I machine quilt the tops, I have had to figure out the best way to deal with the blocks that have photos. Not every quilt is laid out the same and figuring out a pattern to use would just drive me nuts.
I do border to border machine quilting on an old singer, so I don't have speed control, or a large throat. I pretty much pick a pattern and just stop and go skipping over the pictures (either that or sew through the 'face')
Janet was kind enough to not request a particular pattern, so I got to experiment and free style. I have to admit I have a lot of bad habits when it comes to quilting. I had learned on a similar machine to the one I have and rely too much on the printed pattern and my stylus!.
I couldn't believe how much faster this was just free-handing the flowers in the empty spaces and doodling along the pictures.

I think for Christmas I am asking Santa for some DVDs on free motion quilting- I have been repressed too long!
I hope the kid get a kick out of my masterpiece (OK you know what I mean) I am thinking that I like it, can't believe it took me so long to step out of the box.- cw
In case Santa isn't taking my calls, drop a comment and tell me the best ones to check out.