Thursday, October 25, 2012

15 min clean/fling

My good friend, Dawn, challenged me to do a 15 clean/fling.  She didn't actually call it that, but the idea is the same.  Instead of my whining about how cluttered my side of the bedroom is, I actually cleared off a few surfaces and dusted.  (YES, dusted!)

 I almost never show photos of my bedroom.  I never let anyone outside of immediate family through the door.  I have a very yardsale/thrift shop style of decorating.  Unfortunately I also have a very bad habit of not making the bed or putting clothes away.  The joke is I clean the room once a year whether it needs it or not.

 I dusted off our wedding picture and a shot from 25 yrs later.  Haven't changed a bit!
My dresser is totally cleaned off and dusted too.  Can't take a picture of it b/c the mirror reflects the mess in the rest of the room- lol

I have a collection of white vases that I want to set out on the long dresser to decorate for the Holidays.  That is going to be my motivation to clean the rest of the room.  I might just have to quilt a Holiday quilt for the bed while I am at it.  (Not going to commit to which Holiday or which year, but I will commit to 15 minutes of  de-clutter. ) Wish me well.