MO Quilter
Bonnie's step 2
11:39 AM, Wednesday, April 16, 2008 .. 0 comments .. Link
in case anyone is doing this one- enjoy cw
Thursday Quilt Night ch 2
02:59 PM, Thursday, April 10, 2008 .. 2 comments .. Link
ouch, lost my pre-view entry, here goes the short version, I will edit later and add photos.
link to last time:
Our group meets 2nd & 4th Thursday Nights out at our house. Last time we tried to get together the weather didn't cooperate and we had Tornado Warnings all evening. Several of the gals opted not to get out in the rain. Seems tonight might be part II of Thunder Storm Cinema b/c it looks like we are getting a repeat performance. (Only rumbling was my stomach- weather held nice)
We usually get together in town but I really needed a motivation to straighten up around the house
( hope this gets me in a better mood about the chores!) This way I can throw things together and not have to be so rushed. Rule is first one to the house breaks in and makes the coffee!
I have my CLUE #1 from Nancy's Mystery Quilt finished and will show it tonight and pass out directions to the gals that are participating. I am anxious to see every-one's choices of colors & fabrics.
My choice for WHITE is white background and small prints that amuse me>
My NICKELS are from a stash of 6" I have used in other much loved projects>
My TAN is yet to be determined, keep changing my mind and might hold off till I have to commit to a fabric, thinking towards either a stripe or dots or poss check. Saw a floral strip fabric in my stash that might be considered. I just don't know what I want to do!!
Here is an example of my CLUE #1 Blocks I made 3 of each set.
Kelly chose a floral print for her NICKLES and a white on white for her WHITE, her TAN is actually 5 bright prints to hopefully give her quilt top a Bright Springy Look.
Linda's version of the Mystery will be done in yellows and golds as an anniversary quilt for her parents 55th. She is also working on a Star Quilt as a graduation gift for her niece and has plans for a wedding quilt for an upcoming family event next month. This gal has been bitten by the quilting bug and bit good.
Several of the women have decided to make the smaller version and didn't bring their fabrics to show off tonight.
Group is working on a star quilt for a SR boy at church, we hopefully will have all 15 blocks turned in and get the top laid out to be sewn together. (13 of the blocks got brought tonight so we need to wait on the other two to set the top.)
My idea of an agenda is to take the notes from last meeting and touch base of each idea. I am looking forward to a good turn out, weather permitting. Linda said she was coming b/c it is just as easy to ride out a tornado in my basement as it is out at her farm. What a friend! (11 were in attendance, 6 had unexcused absences, 3 others just don't know if/when they can attend but want to help, so it looks like we could have upwards of 20 gals working off and on this session.)
Items for tonight:
1: Welcome to Newbies (no new bodies, mostly just us 'old ladies' not quite a dozen, we had eleven)
2: Grad. Quilt Project (close --but two blocks short- our First UFO!)
3: Intro to Blogging (had to brag about the cyber-quilters)
4: Wedding/Anniv Projects (Linda added another wedding quilt to her list TO-DO)
5: Charity Project Discussion (R/W/B cut up 9-patch was agreed on for the fire station, we will cut 6" from scraps to bring next time and then count them into kits and sew one for demonstration. Fast and Easy, with several machines going should get one done that night.)
6: JR Quilting Ideas (To funny to repeat- you had to have been here)
7: MYSTERY Quilt Intro (rules and regs)
(Thanks Nancy-Rose) {This will be a hoot- I can't wait, Stash is offered to the ones who hate mysteries so they DON'T WASTE their good fabrics- just kidding- After we learn the mystery I will redraft the block to a larger size for the ones who already hate anything less then 2 1/2"- I love the challenge but know that not everyone will. I thank the gals in advance for participating with a spirit of fun}
8: New Ideas/Wanna Learns (I have an on going list and know as I post for help I will find what I need.)
9: Pre-Sept Ladie's Night Thoughts (Evolved to a more formal Tea and Antique Fashion show.)
10: Thought of the Day (Don't miss a meeting of the quilting group unless you want to be volunteered to finish projects. Congrats to Leona for having another commitment this evening, SHE gets to set the STAR Blocks for Andrew's graduation quilt!)
Again I will add ideas to each as we get it figured out- you are getting the before hand cheat sheet that will hopefully keep us on track tonight. {Notes in the parenthesis are edited in b/c I don't want to write a second part}
Wish you were able to join us-kinda a cyber friends meets the quilt group- oh well some other time. Be good cheryl
Got a call from youngest daughter-
10:16 AM, Tuesday, April 8, 2008 .. 2 comments .. Link
I know I write as much about the kids as I do quilting but you know you do what you know!
Favorite youngest daughter, Sarah, and her family live in the great state of TN. She works with the DELL company in their sales department. She said they are having a 'great time to buy' sale right now on their printers and I can drop her number to family/friends if I want too. This is NOT a SALES PITCH just more of a FYI from me to you. The sale is good for the rest of APRIL- if you were looking at printers anyway give her a call to see if her companies products/prices are what you need.
Sarah works 12-9 central time (M, T, Th, F, Su) 1-800-901-3355 ext 2160743 (use the ext so you can tell her that her mommy said to call)
She is the mom to my favorite two youngest grandsons, Andrew & Ben
We have quilt group on Thursday and I will update on how our version of Nancy's myster quilt is going. Everyone be good- cheryl
Best day ever!
07:40 PM, Sunday, April 6, 2008 .. 2 comments .. Link
My Bible class students have decided to take me on as a charity project in need of some organizing and sorting help. Last month the 4th graders come out to the house and we had a blast (Or at least I did) moving books and toys around. (and giving hubby a hard time about not having the sewing room finished)
This month five girls ages 4 1/2-10 came over and attacked the quilting room. This is the best-est age ever for getting detailed sorting done. I have had my quilting table for over 10 years. I have NOT seen the top of my quilting table in most of that time. These little helpers cleaned every inch of the 14 ft. table the machine sets on. All the patterns got rolled up and back on a shelf. ALL the loose pins and needles are now sorted. Loose threads all gather and thrown away. Clutter BE GONE- these girls are a force to be reckoned with!.
The afternoon was not all about the free labor:
1- We enjoyed feeding the horse (Queenie is 'due' anyday now, we were hoping to get to see her little one),
2-running through the house (3 out side doors, 2 levels and a wrap around deck- you get the idea, lots of door slamming) ,
3-sweeping the kitchen floor (don't know why that is so much fun at this age, but I am good with it),
4-beating the rugs out on the deck (again, they could NOT get enough of it), and
5-a buffet dinner of mac & cheese and hot-dogs (I am the best cook ever!).
6-The girls brought several more boxes of toys up to the playroom. Who knew stuff from the 1980's would be such a hit.
We laid out and sewed up a quillo (quilt & pillow mix) for a friend of a friend. The girls pinned, I sewed, they trimmed and did the turning inside out. Over all I think we had an enjoyable day. AND I got to blog and write a list! Can't wait till next month to do it again.- cw
Sewing Room is working-
10:16 PM, Thursday, April 3, 2008 .. 6 comments .. Link
Linda came over tonight and worked on her nieces grad. quilt. We also finished her two blocks for Andrews quilt. I sorted the pile of TO-POSSIBABLLY-DO's that was growing way to high. I also surprised myself by finishing a small doll quilt for granddaughter, Karlee.
I am really a scrap quilter at heart but sometime I see a focus fabric that calls to me. When I was young my mom embroidered a set of Holly Hobbie dolls for my room. (I need to dig them out and re-frame them for my sewing room.- great ...another TO-DO!)
Anyway, when I came across this Holly Hobbie print I set it aside for a favorite little girl project. Tonight while Linda sewed I fiddled around and threw together a little keepsake. The hearts in the border were re-sized from ones given to me from a friend's mom., she didn't think there was enough to do anything with them. (I just hung on to them for a country project) This top is 33 x 33 so it will be perfect for a sweet doll baby. Karlee is 14 mo now and likes to put her doll in the cradle and cover her up. (And then try step on her or pile toys on her or etc... you know, pre-parenting play.)
New rule on the sewing room is nothing comes in that does not have a chance of getting finished. So far, so good. Even the scraps have been cut into strips &/or strings. I did designate a drawer for my pineapple UFO and hope to start working on it again soon. I have a couple more clutter piles in the hall that need sorted and then NO MORE EXCUSES for not busting some stash on a regular basis. -cw
4-patch stackNwack
04:42 PM, Wednesday, April 2, 2008 .. 5 comments .. Link
This is a 4-patch posie link that shows a lot of neat block ideas. In the tradition of stack N wack. Makes me want to take a second look at some of my large print fabrics to see it there is something I can play with.
enjoy the show-
Anyone else out there made one yet?
Grad.Quilt 2008
02:58 PM, Wednesday, April 2, 2008 .. 0 comments .. Link
This year we only have one SR. at church. Andrew has asked for a quilt made with Royal Blue fabrics (or as close as we can get.)
Several of the quilters will be working on Grad. Quilts for family/friends so we should get to see a couple of pretty quilts fairly soon.
We need a total of 15 Stars for this quilt, each packet has background for 2.
STAR BLOCK is 12 1/2" unfinished, (please don't re-size the star block we will do that when we put the top together). The stars will be off set with 12 1/2" background blocks that Andrew can embellish however he chooses.
For Andrew's quilt, I have cut packets of background, I need sewers to add from personal stash a total of 5 (five) 6" sqs. of your version of royal blue. ((actually the center sq is only 4 1/2")) Stars Blocks need to be completed by next Thursday Night.
step # 1. draw a line down the middle/diagonal of each background sq. (total 4 per block)
step #2 sew 1/4" down both sides of drawn line, cut on the drawn line: yields triangle/squares block (total 8)
step #3 set four tri/sqs aside for resizing and make 2 sets right sides together opposite colors facing each other. Now draw a line down the center on the opposite diagonal. Sew down both sides of this line. Cut apart on drawn line. Set aside.
step #4 Re-size the 4 tri/sqs and the 4 quarter/tri block and a blue center block all to 4 1/2"
step #5 Assemble in a 9-patch layout using 1/4" seam allowance (12 1/2" block)
Please NOTE the LAYOUT: The outside corners will make a secondary design when the top is assembled. IF you press your tri/sqs, press toward the dark.
I am working on scanning pictures of past graduation quilts and will blog about them separately. I remember Morgan and Rachel were the first two we did as a group. There have been quite a few over the years. I will get with Pat to see if she has pictures to share. be good cheryl
packets of background for 2 stars were picked up by: Leona, Pat, Sharon, Linda, Debbie, Edna, & Sue. I did the odd one for a total of 15. We should get to see the finished top in about a week.- cw
This pattern should make for a nice scrappy quilt- blocks can be sewn side by side like in this yard sale find by Linda.
She is going to hand tie this top to several layers of muslin to give weight but not fluff to the quilt. The top is rather wiggley and is not 'quilting' worthy but interesting enough to try save as a couch throw.
Joy of the Sewing Room....cont.
09:54 AM, Tuesday, April 1, 2008 .. 3 comments .. Link
I am about to admit: I AM INSANE!
Don't know why it is taking so long to get moved in to the sewing room. I have always wanted a space just for being creative, or cluttered or whatever. You know all the stuff out in plain site!
(This is my "QUILTING ROOM") there was no room for the sewing machines.
(My 'cutting table' is former dinning room table- it should feel at home in the new room)
Linda is coming over tonight to cut out her nieces grad. quilt. The "cutting" table is piled high with misc. items that need a home.
My goal was A Place for Everything and Everything in It's Place. Nothing in unless it had purpose. For some reason my warped mind EVERYTHING has purpose!! I was going to draw the line at dryer lint but then learned crafters have several uses for it.
On the TO-DO for tonight-
1: box up and carry out the clutter (even if it just gets moved to the hall, I WANT that room Finished!) ((most of it is gone, couple of piles left))
2: cut packets for Andrew's grad quilt and help Linda cut for her niece. ((got Linda's cut and she sewed for a bit- I'll get Andrew's done tomorrow))
3: Cut stash for our Mystery quilt. and hopefully sew my blocks (Kelly can do hers later) ((Guess we can both do ours later))
4: TAKE a least one photo to prove that I really have done something lately. ((Took the picture and am surprised it is not at cluttered as I thought it was- could have swore the piles were 6" tall- just kidding))
((The plant got watered! and carried upstairs!! I will put a 'fake' plant in the window to collect dust))
What did I learn today? DON'T Make Lists- I am not any good at it. - score: less than a Brownie point!! (1/2)
What do I find amusing about these photos?:
1-the floor is amazingly clean for a sewing room- where is the 2 ft of threads?
2-I can sure stack a lot of stuff on top of stuff-
3-Technically the 'country doll' has to go until she gets hair- NO UFO'S ALLOWED!
4-Looks like I have every piece of 'wood' no one else in the family wanted.
5- Darn that Nancy-Rose, I wrote another list- cw
Wish me well-
Let the MYSTERY begin!
10:00 PM, Saturday, March 29, 2008 .. 2 comments .. Link
Yeah, Nancy just posted CLUE # 1
in case you missed the fabric list
For my group in Missouri (USA) some of the girls already have the fabric list and some don't. We had pretty bad storms blow through and not everyone made it out on Thursday. I will see most in the group tomorrow and those that I miss I will mail out a list to keep them up to speed.
Kelly plans to do her quilt in pastels, I'm undecided but most likely something scrapy- Linda has committed to golds for an anniv gift. A couple of others haven't declaired which way they are leaning. Now that we see the first clue, it may be easier to plan for fabrics. Think we will have about a dozen ladies attempt the project, hopefully we can get many lovely mystery quilts made before our September Dinner.
This is really going to be fun!- be good cheryl
09:15 AM, Friday, March 28, 2008 .. 1 comments .. Link
Who would have thought--- maybe this is why I seem to "Play well with others" quote from Kindergarten report card.
Your Thinking is Abstract and Random
You are flexible, adaptable, and creative.
There's many ways that you can learn - and you're up for any of them.
You relate well to other people, and you do well working in groups.
You can help people communicate together and work with each other's strengths.
You don't work well with people who are competitive or adversarial.
You prefer to work toward a common goal... not toward conflicting goals
It's THURSDAY must be Quilt Night!
02:24 PM, Thursday, March 27, 2008 .. 4 comments .. Link
I am so excited- our group has been a bit slow about getting in gear this year (MY BAD) but I think I have a solution!
My plan is to blog our activities this go-around---- kinda a 10th year anniv. project. Hope to create a little excitement in the gals to add a spark to doing the same old stuff we always do. You know the yakking, the procrastinating, the excuses for not getting "around to it" and of course the fellowship, the fun, the just being together in a similar mind and time.
I am a very 'fly by the seat of my pants' type of girl. I don't like planning to far in advance. I am a fan of schedules for others, I just don't like being required to DO something. SEW>>>>> for the group this year I am hoping to get out of my comfort zone (instead of pushing and pulling everyone else out of theirs) and HAVE an AGENDA. {In this case a 10 point plan of action}
For one- we are going to meet at my house for the first couple of months. This serves several purposes- I have to clean the house (hubby will like this) I don't have to pack stuff up for the class- I can run a little late and still be on 'time'. I am seeing a pattern of "I", "I", "I". Not trying to be selfish BUT it really is going to be a motivation for me to declutter knowing I have a couple of dozen 'peers' to hold me accountable to 'DO as I DO, not as I say I do' (Plus they can go home and be thankful they are not as bad as me).
Second, I don't have a number two or part "B"- it IS all about me. I really love the group experience but have a busy schedule so being at home I can throw things together as I have time and not worry about "forgetting" a key item.
I really have been watching too many organizational type shows lately. The one Oprah did on the 'hoarder' family put me over the edge. Don't know if anyone saw the show but I taped it and plan to watch it each quarter to remind me to start purging NOW before I have to call in a hundred volunteers to help DIG ME out of the PILES! Even I think I could draw the line at 75 TONS of trash! (watch the show) It will change your life!
Good friend Linda came over Tuesday night to help straighten up. Or as she says- clean our tails off. (Evidently a pre-reg. to be my friend is a strong back) Good thing about real friends is you don't really have to tidy up for them- we are cleaning for the insecurity of the off-chance showing up of an unknown lurker who says they are a friend but really only wants to snoop and expose my clutter. (I know there is NOT really such a person BUT I still have a dark fear that I might give ammo to the 'Out-to-get-her' crowd- not being paranoid, just prepared)
For the purpose of time, I am writing now and editing later- as usual I never know if we had fun until I see the pictures- This may take a bit, but hang in there with me- this is the start of Chapter ONE of PATTERNS FOR LIVING Quilting Journal, 2008.
Items for tonight:
1: Welcome to Newbies {We ended up with severe Thunderstorms and Tornado warnings tonight. Several of the ladies decided not to attend b/c of weather but we had a nice little turn out and are excited to hear that there will be a couple of NEW sewers this year}
2: Grad. Quilt Project {Tech. only ONE grad from church and we will make him a BLUE stars quilt. The pattern and backgroud fabric will be out for any who want to help. (it only takes 15 lg stars) There are 2 other family/friends that will be covered with love too.- Even if we don't all work on a piece we like to motivate and put our two cents in}
3: Intro to Blogging {Its a fun world, I encourage everyone to jump in.}
4: Wedding/Anniv Projects { We have several on the TO-DO list. Newly wed this year Jacob and Regina- I like it that Regina and her mother-in-law are taking part in the young couples quilt. Linda's parents 55th anniv. will be a GOLD version of the mystery quilt}
5: Charity Project Discussion {The group decided to make cut-up-9-patch in Red/White/Blue scraps for the fire station. We had made quilts for the men several years ago and think it is time for a few more} {Lap quilts for the nursing home is always on our list and we hope to have the JR group work on putting together kits and sandwich style sewing and poss. tying the tops. We will leave it up to the kids}
6: JR Quilting Ideas {I was thinking yard work to build muscles but got out voted. We will do orphan block pillows (One for the child to keep and one to be signed friendship style for a shut-in), work on sorting for the lap quilts, Learn basis sewing techniques and learn to draft a pattern, cut and sew a block and finish a pot holder.}
7: MYSTERY Quilt Intro (rules and regs)
(Thanks Nancy-Rose) {This will be a hoot- I can't wait, Stash is offered to the ones who hate mysteries so they DON'T WASTE their good fabrics- just kidding- After we learn the mystery I will redraft the block to a larger size for the ones who already hate anything less then 2 1/2"- I love the challenge but know that not everyone will. I thank the gals in advance for participating with a spirit of fun}
8: New Ideas/Wanna Learns {Love this, for the paper piecing class, we are choosing to do the TEA CUP block to be used as table runners for the dinner/door prizes. (Blame Nancy and her tea cup Tuesday- doesn't she know you can't keep showing compulsive people great ideas week after week!) Debbie wants to try a Lone Star- I think we can get her one done! Sue has been interested in the bargello- again another good idea for a class, Kelly wants a Kansas City Chiefs quilt- she has the fabric, needs pattern ideas}
9: Pre-Sept Ladie's Night Thoughts {We had a consensus- this year the motif will be TEA PARTY (I want everyone to dress up(costume style) and bring a stuffed animal for charity) The theme is Pattern For Living, we are looking for a speaker. Menu will be finger foods. We will make aprons for the men who are serving. The tea party block table runners will be beautiful. I normally don't like to plan so far ahead BUT for a 10th anniv, it will fun to go all out.}
10: Thought of the Day (or other inspirational spiel) {started out to be about stash busting- but ended up being about Doing what you know how to Do and WHEN you KNOW better, DO BETTER! Encouragement for each to live the best life and not put STUFF above relationships with LOVED Ones - the Oprah show really got to me!}
Again I will add ideas to each as we get it figured out- you are getting the before hand cheat sheet that will hopefully keep us on track tonight. {Notes in the parenthesis are edited in b/c I don't want to write a second part}
In case you have been following the 'sewing room' saga--- NO the room is not in order, and NO the Ladies WILL NOT GET A SNEAK PEEK tonight. It may be a couple of weeks before I am ready to open the door to the 'public' (Even good friends aren't allowed in yet)- be good, wish us well. Cheryl
Even with the terrible weather (rain & hail), the gals that got out and attended had a pretty good time. Think we have a nice start on our mission for this year. Special THANKS to Linda for refreshments- that girl can fix a mean batch of brownies!!- cw
I'm NOT Bragging but...
09:04 PM, Tuesday, March 25, 2008 .. 8 comments .. Link
The sewing room is finished!
Trim is up, stained to perfection. Several of the larger furniture pieces are in place. Now for a couple of weeks of moving everything around to that 'just right' spot.
I celebrated by finishing a binding! (At least I sewed something in the 'sewing room')
I have a little library corner for my quilt books and a reading chair.
Separate stations for the different machines.
A 6 ft. cutting table.
Drawer and shelf space for the un-numbered UFO's that I will purpose to identify as I grant them access to the new room. Only those worthy of the title will be invited to enter.
The room is mainly for cutting and sewing.
Kits and TO-DO's will be kept in the quilting room till deemed of UFO quality. This is officially my first UFO to start on after the room is in order.
And of course I have already cluttered it up way too much to take a picture BUT as I get the piles in order I will re-post to 'show off'. I have been watching organization type shows and think it is starting to sink in. I feel I can DO IT- I can have a place for everything and everything in it's place. Clutter be gone! I am Organized Stash-busting Quilting Woman- I vow to use my powers for good.
Now where did I lay the sissors? - cw
Bonnie Hunter's Mystery Quilt 2008
11:48 AM, Saturday, March 22, 2008 .. 0 comments .. Link
Saw on stashbusters that Bonnie is doing another mystery. Here is the link for any that want to participate.
I have committed our little group to following Nancy's Mystery (b/c I saw it first and thought it would be fun to participate with a sister group in Canada).
Mystery's are a fun way to 'learn' a little something new (or not) AND a chance to let go of the control freak and follow someone else's lead. (Not going to be easy for some- but a lot of giggles for others).
I will do my best to blog our adventures- Special Thanks to Nancy Rose for all she is doing to perpetuate the mania of all things fabric. You go Girl! - cheryl
SPRING- you say?
10:37 PM, Thursday, March 20, 2008 .. 1 comments .. Link
Here in SouthWest Missouri we have had our share of participation! The rains of earlier this week flooded many streams and overflowed many of the low water bridges on the country roads. As many as 50 spots in our area were closed due to wash out or high water or debris.
I had to run out and check on a clients home today due to his being out of town. Happy to report his place is high and fairly dry. Due to a little detour, I got to see a bit of the country on a road less traveled. Normally this is a very little 'waterfall' down the side of a hill. Today three days after the "big one" it is still flowing at a steady pace. We had to stop and let the kids check it out.
All that water and it barely gets the road wet as it flows down to the river.
I hope to stop back after we green up a bit, this would be a lovely spot to splash and play. cw
She said: "YES"
10:28 AM, Thursday, March 20, 2008 .. 1 comments .. Link
----- Original Message -----
From: Cheryl Willis
To: Nancy-Rose
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 11:22 AM
Subject: mystery quilt
Nancy, our little group is getting a late start this year (fill in excuses and blame me) I would like to ask your permission to follow your mystery quilt. I love your taste and of course I love scraps!!
We are meeting next Thursday to discuss plans for the year (we typically do a couple of charity projects and one 'just' for the gals- can we PLEASE do your mystery? I think it would be fun not knowing the outcome until everyone does. and I like your time frame (it gives us a chance to finish before our Sept. dinner) I of course would want to blog the experience so I want to ask nicely first. Please, Please, Please? - cheryl
Butterflies/NO pictures
10:24 AM, Tuesday, March 18, 2008 .. 1 comments .. Link
Sorry but I didn't get the pictures I hoped to on this last trip. Left the camera in the truck a lot. Had a great time but not a lot of great pictures to prove it.
Did get a bunch of little butterflies cut out and some day I will do better job documenting the process. I was able to put sets together and have another 6 bagged up and looks like half dozen more to do later. (the scrap pile never seems to get smaller- had a friend give me a couple more bags this weekend)
I was able to add a counter last week- looks like I am going to have 500 hits today. In the spirit of Nancy-Rose, anyone viewing today who wants a butterfly packet, send me an e-mail. Rules will be the same for the last give away. You must finish and send me a picture of the top or PASS the kit on to someone who will.
Here is the link to the butterfly packets.
Beemer (March 13h)
04:28 PM, Friday, March 14, 2008 .. 3 comments .. Link
Little Benjamin Michael Webber (BMW- Bemmer for short) is 4 1/2 mo old. A bit of a ham (didn't get that from my side of the family!) The visit went WAY to quickly but was worth the extra drive. Love any chance to hug our daughter and hold the grandbaby. The dinner at the nice Italian Resturaunt was good too.
We met up in Little Rock AR and got to see all of the little ones tricks, he rolls over, scoots backwards and almost gets on his knees. Love the smiles and laughs and of course the getting to hug and holds. Couldn't get him to design or sew anything though. I am slipping as a professed quilting granny. Since they live so far away I will have to plan the next trip better to ensure we have time to brainwash him in all things fabric!
I am getting a lot of little butterfly pieces cut out. Will get pictures posted after a bit.- be good cheryl
I am OUT of HERE!- Headed THERE-
11:10 AM, Thursday, March 13, 2008 .. 1 comments .. Link
Running to Little Rock, AR for a quick visit with favorite youngest daughter and favorite youngest grandson. Grandpa Carl hasn't seen little Ben yet so this is going to be a fun one. Sarah is headed to Searcy for Harding College Spring Sing and we were taking a couple of days to run around Rogers, AR but since we are so close- changed hotel reservations and are headed a bit more south.
Love it when a plan comes together.- I am taking a box of scraps and hope to cut and document my strange way of 'cutting' while I travel (I know this is only a 5 hr car ride but you can still get the idea and I can get MORE Butterflies- yeah!)
Kelly came over yesterday and finished quilting a cut-up-9-patch I had made a while ago. I had traded a gal a quilt-to-be for a set of 4 deck chairs. I think it turned out to be a win/win. I love the chairs and I know she will love this quilt (I still need to finish the binding) This really is a nice pattern to throw together for a utility quilt, and you can use any size sq to start with and the block looks good.
Kelly wanted to make her friend Karen a RUG kinda like the one we made for her. Kelly designed the layout and let me top stitch them in place. My quilting machine is not a big fan of double knit BUT agreed to do just one more. I practice a bit of free motion and then ended up scribbling to get a tight over all quilting to make the rug feel thick. Took it over the Kelly's this morning and granddaughter Karlee- loves it (she is 13 mo's old).
Kids craft for Easter
10:39 PM, Wednesday, March 12, 2008 .. 3 comments .. Link
Cute little bunny/chick in a twinkie car w/pretzel steering wheel and candy tires. Hope the link works, don't know why some will show the picture and sometimes they don't. enjoy cw
Easter Cookie-
10:31 PM, Wednesday, March 12, 2008 .. 0 comments .. Link
Got these from a friend thought I would share. Dawn is going to make the cookies with her boys and bring the finished ones to share with the kids at church. Love the story that goes with this.
Making cookies with your children to teach a Bible lesson.
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.
We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
John 1:14
You Need
Help & permission from Parents!
1- cup whole pecans
1-teaspoon vinegar
3 egg whites
pinch of salt
1-cup sugar
zipper baggie
wooden spoon
Preheat the oven to 300 (this is important-don't wait 'til you're half-done with the recipe)
1. Place the pecans in the baggie and let the kids beat them with the wooden spoon to break them into pieces. Explain that after Jesus was arrested, He was beaten by the Roman soldiers.
Read John 19:1-3
2. Put the vinegar into a mixing bowl. Let each child smell the vinegar. Explain that when Jesus was on the cross and he became thirsty, He was offered vinegar to drink.
Read John 19:28-30
3. Add the egg whites to the vinegar. The eggs represent life. Explain that Jesus gave His life so that we could have life.
Read John 10:10-11
4. Sprinkle a little salt into each child's hand and let them taste it. Put the rest into the bowl. Explain that this represents the salty tears shed by Jesus' followers, and the bitterness of our own sin.
Read Luke 23:27
5. So far the ingredients are not very appetizing. Add 1 cup of sugar. Explain that the sweetest part of the story ids that Jesus died because He loves us. He wants us to know and belong to Him.
Read Psalm 34:8 and John 3:16
6. Beat the egg whites with a mixer on high speed for 12 to 15 minutes, until stiff peaks form. Explain that the color white represents the purity in god's eyes of those whose sins have been cleansed by Jesus.
Read Isa. 1:18 and John 3:1-3
7. Fold in the broken nuts. Drop by teaspoons onto a wax paper cookie sheet. Explain that each mound represents the rocky tomb where Jesus body was laid to rest.
Read Matt. 27:57-60
8. Put the cookie sheet in the oven, close the door and turn the oven off.
9. Give each child a piece of tape and seal the door. Explain that Jesus tomb was sealed.
Read Matt. 27:65-66
10. Go to bed. Explain that they may feel sad to leave the cookies in the oven overnight and that Jesus followers were in despair when the tomb was sealed.
Read John 16:20-22
11. On Sunday morning, open the oven and give everyone a cookie. Notice the cracked surface and take a bite. the cookies are hollow! ON THE FIRST EASTER Jesus followers were amazed to find His tomb empty.
Read Matt. 28: 1-9
Too cute- this is me for today
12:56 PM, Wednesday, March 12, 2008 .. 2 comments .. Link
Am I the only one who likes to change the avatars?
this one says it all, the coffee, the bunny slippers, the happy disposition- its me to a Tee!
- cheryl
Saga of the Sewing Room
10:13 AM, Tuesday, March 11, 2008 .. 1 comments .. Link
Sunday, a couple of kids from my bible class came to spend the afternoon and help me 'move' a few things around. Most wonderful hubby decided to 'work' on the trim in the new sewing room (formerly youngest son's bedroom). I of course was expecting the job to be completed and wanted to have hands available to help me fill it full of all things sewing (not to be confused with my quilting room, which is of course- all things quilting)
Husband being the procrasting perfectionist that he is spent his time and talents on the two spots that don't allow me to move items to fill them. I now have the window trimmed to perfection and the INSIDE Door Frame on the Closet! I asked: "Can you throw down the floor trim in the closet so I can start moving chests and shelves in?" His answer: "Oh that's the easy part, I'll do it later!"
I am sure this is a cosmic test to teach me patience. I was reasurred that the the room would be finished when he is home on Wednesday> Is that TOMORROW?- I am so thankful that I married a man of his word (I don't know which Wednesday it will actually be done but with certainity it will be on a Wednesday that he is home.)
Kids helped me work on the grandkids room, we moved up the collection of childrens books and sorted through a few toys also.
They helped me prep two very large bags of double knit for lap quilts (the scraps from them go to a friend who weaves rugs.) I am thinking it was so much fun working with 10 yr olds I would like to do it on a more regular basis, maybe once a month have the younger ones out for a 'move the piles of fabric around day'. Might have to start a JR-Quilters group and meet at my house- think I can get the boys to do yard work to build muscles for quilting!
I was going to take a photo of the window trim, but I don't want to jinx the project. Give me three months in my new space and I guareentee I will out grow it and start whinning about needing the next section too. What do you think I need to call it? A design room- a drafting room-pattern room, A QUILT LIBRARY? I need to start dropping hints now so when I spill over into the rest of the downstairs area it won't be a suprise. I wonder if this is why there is never a hurry to complete anything, it always leads to something else.
I have plans for re-doing the laundry area to add a utility tub for dying fabrics. (He thinks it to have a place to wash the dog- we don't have an inside dog)
The family room would be a wonderful place for a new long arm machine- OH MY he is right- I AM nuts. A gal can dream can't she. Just get the trim up!
Yes this means his back is doing better- therapy and meds. and he is already back to work- what a guy. (He tells people he threw his back out carrying bags of fabric for me- yeah I'm the nut- back at ya buddy) No way it could have been the 25 years jumpin in and out of the semi-truck or the thousands of pounds of product he moves around. Always that mean old wife! Have I said it lately: "I LOVE this MAN!"
I post pictures of the new room soon. be good cheryl
02:07 PM, Saturday, March 8, 2008 .. 3 comments .. Link
I started to comment to her post on the number counter and the auction purchase: (link below)
I think I am going to be the one to push you over- Everytime today I have started to comment I get called out of the room to do something else- the last couple of hits have been me trying to figure out how to do a counter- I am getting close to 10!!! I love that you are so good to share your experiences. The auction was a bitter/sweet story. I think it is awsome for you to have gotten such a good buy (I know you will use it well) BUT I feel for the family that the next generations were not fighting for the stash (Hopefully it just means there was so much that you just bought the left overs.)
Here's where I get to contemplating the meaning of life. (The life of fabric stashes that is) Then I wonder if my family will keep or sell what I leave. I am in such deniel that I can't even put pen to paper in reguards to UFO's. I thought I had it in control by doing service projects to thin out my surplus (Hasn't worked that way.) The more I try to give away, the more others give to add to my 'giving'. My piles never seem to get smaller. Even when I share boxes or totes of "I WON'T USE", I just get back 2X as much from the next gal that is organizing her stash.
I have heard comments in the fabric story before from gals saying they are "buying for the auction". We laugh b/c in our hearts it hurts to much to cry. A lot of what we purchase we know won't be used by us in our life time. We only get to enjoy the fabrics, colors and prints while it is stacked on the shelf. The real test of time will be the future quilter who has been influenced enough by us to break into the sewing room and clean it out for her stash before the auction. (My bet is on Kelly)
I would love that I get to personally meet everyone who is going to work on pieces I have started but I know that is not going to happen. Just as I finish blocks from 30 or 40 years ago (handed down by family and friends) I know there will be other generations like me appreciating the opertunity to have a piece of the past.
My quilting room is in a mess moving stuff around for the sewing room- if I get the nerve I will post a picture later- Sorry to be so long winded, just trying to justify my 'needing' another room in the house for fabric I guess! be good- cheryl
Butterflies (re-visited)
06:19 PM, Friday, March 7, 2008 .. 4 comments .. Link
Here is the link to the original post:
I found this picture of a butterfly quilt made for a client. I think I was trying for a dark look and used lots of blues and greens. Not as scrappy as I usually do. Wonder if I had a bunch of strips cut and just used them. Hate it that I don't remember what I was thinking. I do like this setting though and may try it again.
Scrap butterflies raw-edge appliqued diagonally on an 8 1/2" printed sq. Set with 2 1/2" sqs (most likely strip pieced). This is a fun colorful way to use up a bunch of butterflies! My butterflies have evolved to using 3 fabrics. (I use to do a lg wing print and sm wing/body solid) after about a dozen quilt tops I got tired of the solids and switched to all prints. The antennae are per.-marker (I know cheating) and I am happy with how they wash and wear. I like to make smaller throw size quilts for gifts.
Should be getting close to seeing other quilters interpretations of the butterfly packs I sent out. My friend Sue has made several more but fails to get pictures. I have threatened to make her ask for them all back so I can get a photo. One of these days I am going to have to run out and document her collection. For a new quilter she has hit the ground running. Her husband found her second long arm at an estate sale so she has two to use. He likes bidding on stuff and has tripled her stash in a short amount of time. Aren't hubbys wonderful!! - cheryl
web commercial
04:16 PM, Friday, March 7, 2008 .. 1 comments .. Link
this is totally NOT my quilting side, I am learning a new program at my office and want to test drive it- our market area is rural MO (home town) this is a web commercial- just looking for feedback before I put it out there in the other real world. thanks for helping by being my 'test' subjects. I will delete this post if it bothers anyone. Feel free to comment on or off site. THANKS cheryl
16-patch Block Exchange Quilts 2002
09:36 PM, Thursday, March 6, 2008 .. 4 comments .. Link
Stop me if I've shown you these before-
I know I have bragged about our little group dinners each year. The men at church serve the guests. We have around a hundred women from the area over for dinner and a devo. After eating the gals go next door to the auditorium for a program and the men 'clean up'. I have been told that the guys have a lot of fun digging into the left overs. Rumor is that my hubby was seen helping wash dishes. (He denies it and it has never been witnessed at home, BUT I hold out hope for a sighting sometime in my life-time). These are the quilts and essays from our 16-patch Exchange 2002- enjoy cw
I am going to try my skills at scanning again. Wish me well.
These little booklets were a 'cut and paste' fun reminder of our experiences together on a project.
I got to hug on both of these young people last week when they came in from China with baby daughter for a visit.
Leigh was our speaker this night. What a blessing to have her as a friend.
This 'cow' quilt was a gift to our daughter friend from college who LOVES COWS!
These gals made color coordinated quilts. Both turned out beautiful.
Beautiful quilts, beautiful friend. We have spent a lot of time together over the years.
If you like red, either of these quilts should tickle your senses. Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful!
I still have both of these in 'My Collection' gotta save them for a grandkid.
This was the start of my butterfly obsession. I have cut out hundreds of them. The flower quilt has been gifted to a friend.
LJ and I made each other B-day quilts this year. She was nicer to me and bordered mine in HER favorite colors. We love our little quilts and we love each other.
Granny had been wanting to make a mini-block quilt to use up some lace and embellishments (she was a stash buster before it was popular). The gals each made little blocks for her quilt. This one is a favorite of ours.
One of my favorite things about sewing with a group is the friendships that grow out of the experience of sharing and spending time with each other. I have invited women to join us and been told "Oh I sew at home". You can get a lot done uninterrupted BUT sometimes not getting a lot done can be more fun!! If you have opportunity to meet with a group I would encourage you to do so. We have had a blast the past 10 years. If you are in the area, drop by. be good cheryl
I'm really not complaining-
08:28 PM, Tuesday, March 4, 2008 .. 2 comments .. Link
I am still not in my new sewing room, hubby's back doesn't want to play carpenter boy and assist in getting the trim up. Without trim it just isn't a sewing room (sarcasm!!) I have been forbidden to do the trim myself or hire it done. (I am obedient when forbidden!!) Translates to "I don't want to do it either"
So favorite oldest son came over today and helped move furniture around. We finished what hubby started last night in the guest bedroom turning it into the grand-kids room..(Carl set up my bed from childhood that my dad made)
Mike moved a couple of dressers from the basement to the upstairs.
My quilting room now has the dresser set from the guest room AND the set from oldest daughter (in the closet) It will take me the rest of the week just getting things put away. I am going to be so organized I won't be able to stand it.
The grand-kids now have youngest daughters dresser set (the one I was suppose to 'hold' for her forever). I had wanted to 'paint' everything before I moved into the kids room BUT decided I can wait and paint next time hubby is out of town.
To make a short story long- now my back is hurting and I am tired of moving piles of stuff. It will still be there tomorrow (and tomorrow's tomorrow) so I am looking at other peoples quilts and thought I would share a good place to kill a little time dreaming. Next time I will just start with "I was looking at these, thought I would share" instead of the 15 minute therapy session. be good cheryl
06:33 PM, Monday, March 3, 2008 .. 1 comments .. Link
When ever I see lists on stash busters, I think I need to save them so I can look at the pictures when I get time. Seriously not trying to take credit from the gal that put these together- just starting a file in case I decide to try one. There are people out there way more organized then I, hope no one minds if I share. cw
Here is the Quilter's Cache Border patterns which includes a ribbon
Also at QC, this block would make a ribbon border:
Here is a very corner pretty bow and ribbon pattern:
Another Ribbon Border may be found here:
Picture of quilt w?border here:
Thanks JESSE-
08:16 PM, Sunday, March 2, 2008 .. 4 comments .. Link
Favorite youngest son, (jesse) stepped up and saved my day by giving me material to blog about. I have several things on my mind to jot down and lots of projects on my brain to work on some day. Until I get back in my sewing room I don't have much 'new' to news about. I e-mailed Jesse and asked for a picture of one of my original quilts that I know lives with him in Chicago. He and a friend staged several shots and I feel compelled to share.
Jesse was a smart kid when he was young. When ever I made a new quilt- he would say "Mother, I would like it to be mine someday" The three that he sent me pictures of are close to 20 years old. He has dragged them around all over. I am amused they are not shredded from wear and tear. Here is my story for tonight.
Jess liked the color ORANGE when he was 3 or 4 so I made him a scrap top and put orange material on the back. He helped pick the fabrics. The kids use to wrap up in their quilts and run around the house. I don't know what he 'was thinking' in this picture but I call it "Oh brother where art thou?"
This quilt was 'tied' with orange yarn! Chicago night life. I love this photo of our son.(and.. that the quilt is on the couch!)
Wonder if the Chicago winters are warmer with a cup of hot chocolate!
Friend, Ben caught napping and now co-subject of photo. When Jesse was young he would 'fake' taking a nap. This was an adaptation of a rail fence. I sewed 2 " x 10" strips into blocks and then sewed four together for a larger block. I didn't take into account seam allowance and ended up with a 'hole' in the middle of each larger block. (I was to stubborn to trim my blocks) I 'patched' each center with a diamond piece. Made a unique utility quilt. The back was a STAR WARS sheet.
When I first started sewing quilt tops we didn't have 'extra $$' for fabric. Our local Thrift store would have $1.00 a bag Tuesday on the 1st Tue. each month. I would try run down and get a couple of bags of men's shirts or scrap fabric. I would 'tie' the quilts and use what ever top sheets we had at home. If I found a sheet at the thrift store that was an excellent deal b/c I could get several sheets in the dollar bag. Hubby use to tease that we were the only home in town with out a top sheet on a bed.
If I was low on sheets I would just piece another same size top and have a reversible quilt. The first quilt I made entirely from store bought fabric was for my sister's wedding quilt. I called around to price having it machine quilted and had to pass on the $25.00 price so Theresa's spider web queen size quilt was hand tied too. (After I started machine quilting I offered to re-do it for her and she refused. She loves the texture of the ties.)
Jesse uses this traditional bow tie quilt. It was one of the first pieced from a pattern that I ever made. (I usually did squares or strips) The pieces were from Carl's grandmother Annie's stash. Don't know if they were her own or given to her. I know now that there are easier ways to do a bow tie! For a first attempt I am pleasantly pleased with the job I did. This top was larger than what I had been making so I used the king size sheet I had on hand for the back. It was a brown & white bubble pattern. Because of its large size the kids use to use this quilt to make their play fort. The boys would cover the table and 'hide underneath"
Friend, Derek, looks like a psychedelic nomad- Makes me wonder if Joseph's Coat of Many colors was done in bow tie?
In my e-mail I asked for a picture of this bow tie to add to a story I had written earlier. What a nice surprise to 'see' a couple of other old favorites that are still being used. I think this is exactly why quilters like to give quilts- the gift gives itself over and over again. Twenty plus years and still looking love-ing-ly good. - cw
Answer to Martha's quilt question
12:33 PM, Monday, February 25, 2008 .. 3 comments .. Link
I am going to enjoy reading everyone elses post to Martha's question about quilting groups. I started to respond to her but got so wordy decided to post it here instead.
The group I quilt with isn't a quild. We got together for a particular project and just kept going. (This is our 10th year!- wonder if I need to throw an anniversary party?)
There are no minutes or record keeping other than what individuals chose to jot down (Thank's Pat for keeping wonderful photo albums)
NO dues, NO fees, NO Quilting Police!!
We learn together and have a lot of fun and fellowship. We usually do a couple of charity projects each year and a block exchange or mystery quilt etc.. for the gals that participate.
Group size varies, depending on project- No one is turned away because of age or gender or ability to sew.
I am always Thankful to everyone who participates each year. The fellowship, encouragement, sewing, donated fabrics (we get a few UFO to finish) always help to make for a productive year.
We reward ourselves with dinner and a show in September. If we aren't finished with our group project we just 'show' something from a collection. (Last year not everyone finished their applique project so we displayed unfinished works.)
I am not a good leader but I believe in the ability of others when given a chance. So Each year in Jan (this year b/c of weather it will be March) I announce we are meeting to discuss the plans for the year.
Someone always volunteers ideas (quilts for the Fire House ect...) and then we just plug away at getting needs met. We have several stand by projects we like to do and I stock pile materials for them. (Kids bags, Kids quilts, pillow cases, marble bags etc...) There isn't a lot of expense b/c everyone shares so well. A couple of women who aren't up to sewing donate $$ for batting or supplies.
Back to Martha's inquiry: When looking for a group to participate in I would suggest considering what needs the group is expected to meet. For most of us, we are wanting to use our talents for good. We know we have been blest with an abitily that brings comfort to others and we like getting to share what we make out of love. Some of us also like to learn new things, teach others, spend time being creative etc.... There are lots of reasons groups get started. Identify your reason and that will help lead you to what your rules need to be.
We don't use our group to raise funds, we don't sell anything, we don't vote people in or out. Basicly for us it is a time to get together and just BE friends that quilt. - hope this helps. be good cheryl
Visit from a Friend w/Friend
09:10 AM, Monday, February 25, 2008 .. 2 comments .. Link
Had a wonderful visit Sunday with a gal that is new to quilting. She brought a friend who is well entrenched in the lifestyle. How great is it that when women get together to run around that they think of ME and pop in for a quick Show & Tell. I got to brag about the blog (I am a fan of this site) and Friend of a Friend got to LET me snap a couple of pictures. I am hoping she will stop in here and identify herself and give us the formal story behind her work. Until then we can just enjoy the view.
Every quilt has a story. I would love to see the written version of these beautiful pieces and get to know more about their maker. Be good cheryl
Puzzle Quilt
11:36 PM, Saturday, February 23, 2008 .. 2 comments .. Link
Lane the Quiltfool (not Lane the grandson this time) posted a beautiful Old Maids quilt.
I like puzzle quilts. Here is one I did years ago for Christmas. Each red block has a green mate. The angels were originally supose to be tree orniments. I set them with iron-on pellon and embrodiered around on them for texture. Some of the block patterns have reverse patterns to add to the puzzle. I took a strip of white and a strip of color (right sides together) and sewed 1/4" down the top and bottom the length of the strip. Then when I cut my tri/sqs they went fast and I didn't have to resize them. (don't know why but when I do the sq. sewing down both sides of the middle, I always have to re-size). I still have this quilt b/c it was promised to the first grandkid born in Dec. So far no takers. cw
1999 continued.....
10:23 PM, Saturday, February 23, 2008 .. 2 comments .. Link I know I am leaving a few things out. Some of the projects we started were continued each year. When I post about the graduation quilts I will do it as a composite of several years quilts. Same with the signature quilts we did for hospital or birthday quilts. These are a couple of my favorites to start with. Hope you enjoy.
Fun parties, fun quilts!
My 'letter' thanking QUILT mag. for the nice article they did on our quilt. We didn't make the cover but they did a nice write up (even if there were errors in the directions) This was a fun project. (LJ had always wanted to see a quilt she worked on get in a mag.)
We made a signature quilt for Eddie Bowman and decorated the tables with short stories from one of his books "Life's Little Day"
We started making anniversary quilts for 50th. Guest signed this keepsake quilt at the reception for John and Martha Cayce. They decorated with original photos and a 'tape' recording of the ceremony was played for our enjoyment. John and Martha had 'run off' to California to get married on a radio show. I love that I got to share in honoring them on their day.
Here is an example of the hospital quilts we made. The church would sign well-wishes as a reminder of our love. Although we didn't have a formal pattern for this style of quilt we tried to have areas of light fabric to write on. Hospital quilts are an on going project and we make way to many of them. I sent a memo for everyone to be well but you know how no-one listens to me! After several years, I think everyone at church had a quilt for one reason or another (we did birthdays on the 0 or 5 after 70) graduation, wedding, anniversary, baby, illness etc.... (One sister received her first quilt from us during a hospital stay, she wanted it signed on her birthday too.) Got to the point if a quilter laid a top down for a minute, someone would pick up a marker and try to write on it.
Almost done: One more story. Leona started quilting back in the day when you made a template and cut pieces one at a time (you know back when kids walked up hill to school in 5 ft of snow) She claims she didn't know what to add for seam allowance and this star quilt turned out huge (I teased her that 1/2 " for seam is toooooo much!) This beautiful quilt was a UFO for a long time until she finally gave in and let me machine quilt it. What a fun job it turned out to be.
This is LJ's 2000 quilt, she did it with 2000 pieces. and let me quilt it January 1st, 2000.
I didn't want to work that hard so I made a 1999 quilt. 19 colors and 99 9-patches. Finished it on New Year's Eve 1999. If I remember correct- Leona's quilt was given to a new gal at church when she moved here. Mine was given to a family whose house burned down. We make them, we love them, sometimes we keep them awhile, but they eventually get given away.
I was being goofy with the Sue's and set them on point on the block. Changed my mind on what I was going to use them for and sewed them in a circle . This one was quilted and used as a signature quilt.
Thanks for letting me share that first year of quilting with a group. I spoke with Pat the other night at church and told her about the Blog. I may have to borrow her books and fill in the ones I am missing. She is a lot better at keeping records of things than I am. This way we get to re-live the experience.
Husband story- Flyod 70th
10:11 PM, Saturday, February 23, 2008 .. 5 comments .. Link
As a disclosure: I am not in my sewing studio yet (hubby still has a bad back = NO trim up= I can't get to my machine!) I will be strong- I will use my powers as a scanner for good. I had posted about our groups start in '99. I 'found' an old photo book and scanned a few add on pictures to go with the run down of that first year. I have the women 'write' an essay about their quilts and instead of re-writting for this blog, I scanned the origional. Here goes:
We had a fun Birthday party and Flyod loved his quilt.
BLOCK of the Month
01:11 PM, Friday, February 22, 2008 .. 2 comments .. Link
Ok I am already behind but hope to get caught up by December- cw
Vera- started it--
09:51 PM, Monday, February 18, 2008 .. 4 comments .. Link
The problem with reading blogs is that everything reminds me of something else. Years ago I made a walmart panel "country doll" . ended up buying the rest of the bolt b/c I just HAD to make a couple of more. Then I started making my own muslin dolls with the pattern. THEN had to make different dresses for the walmart doll. IT NEVER ENDS. My mom, sister and I all have matching dolls and 12 Holiday dresses. Mom still changes her doll on a regular basis (it sits on her window sill) mine is in a box buried somewhere in my craft room. I 'found' one still in the development stage the other day in a bag of stuff (this one needs hair) and I found an un-cut panel in the stuff my friend gave me. It is cracking me up when I look at the Annies, Vera shared with us- I know exactly what is going to happen- I will have them everywhere. I love their head shape and their cute little faces. Lord help me if I ever start making quilts for the dolls- (lol). hope you have a good night, thanks again for sharing. cw
Here's one that needs her hair done! (Original panel doll)
showing off some of the dresses---
Try to get them back in the box!!
Double Knit- quilt idea
02:52 PM, Sunday, February 17, 2008 .. 0 comments .. Link
When our kids were young I made each one a TV quilt (nap size). I found several of them last night. (the quilts, not the kids) I can tell from the thread tension on these that I hadn't been sewing all that long. Even with the few extra threads on the back, these have held up pretty good.
I used a solid piece of cotton fabric on the back as a foundation. Double knit scraps were cut crazy patch style and zig-zag stitched down. I started with the larger pieces first, then filled in as necessary. Think when I do this again (and I will- these are nice utility quilts) I will use double knit on the back too. Should look good if echo quilted around into the shapes too.
If anyone wants to throw their own double knit blanket together- do it. Remember to check and use the correct needle for the fabric. Make sure your tension is right and get to it. WAIT---wind lots of bobbins and put on a good cd, this takes awhile. The possibilities are endless. I know double knit is going to make a come back because I just gave a bunch away. (that is a sign I am going to want it-right?) be good cheryl
Exchange Blocks 16-patch tri/sqs.
08:42 PM, Saturday, February 16, 2008 .. 3 comments .. Link
I learned to scan and now I am dangerous! Our little group has been quilting together on and off for about 10 years. We got together to make a quilt for a friends wedding and kept finding one more thing we needed to try. This Exchange was between 6 women. Each made two different prints and patterns. We all traded and made 6 similar but totally different quilts.
Since this is MY blog. I get to write what I want about this event. I made a little booklet of our "show". At the time, this was our first and several of the gals had never participated in any thing like this. We made our own rules and our own fun. When our quilts were finished, I thought it would be a shame NOT to show them off. We hung them up and invited about 100 area women over for POT-LUCK. Dinner was a blast, everyone brought a dish and we had a great time. The quilts added a nice decoration to the paneled walls of the building. Little did we know that we started a new tradition that continues today. We try keep it at around the same number, each year we do things a little different. I hope to add other projects that our group did as I have time too. Another thing I learned to do is add links. As I post I will try link similar topics in case anyone wants to follow along.
The first year we really didn't have a "Name". Our church is on 9th street so I thought 9th street Quilters sounded good. Learned quickly that if you put something in print (even if it is for your own giggles) you need to get a consensus. As I post other projects you will see what I mean. I had been to a Ladies Night where the theme was "Patterns for Living" the speaker did a great job and I thought that phrase needed to be used as a reminder when ever we gathered. We have used the same theme though interpreted different each year. This booklet was intended to a collection of the quilts and essays at the 1999 dinner.
I am not going to re-type word for word the essays the gals wrote. Again this is my blog so I am going to write what I want. I think even back then I was a scrap quilter at heart. My words of encouragement were "May the things you see and hear tonight inspire you to dig out your scraps, clean the machine, call up your friends, and have as much fun working together as we did"
I love Pat's essay b/c she took the time to name each block and identify the woman who sewed it. Her skills are so superior to the rest of us at the time that we felt challenged to do our best. (I mean this seriously- this woman is good) I think I had Mad Cow Disease before there even was one. I can't remember the difference between up and down sometimes. If it wasn't for Pat we would have had a much harder time knowing the history of what we were doing. (Perfect record keeping skills!)
The gal on the left is my friend PAM- she took me to my first quilt show. I could start a whole another series of stories about her. ( She wrote her essay from the quilts point of view. My favorite line is "When Mrs. Warner finished making me into a quilt top she gave me to Cheryl to be quilted. I like my quilted clouds. They keep my insides from moving around." Sorry but that cracks me up.
The women on the right are HEARTS IN HARMONY. They didn't have a name when we asked them to sing for us but we voted and named them. Our favorite was an original song titled "She's a Woman of God". I tear up every time I hear it. The last time was at a dear sisters service, not a dry eye anywhere.
This is me. I had tendinitis, thus the wrist brace. Leona and the girls made miniature blocks out of the left over fabrics. I was so sew surprised to receive this pillow. Everyone signed the back. What an honor to be loved this much. I am not good at public speaking mostly b/c I never know what I am going to say (even when scripted- I tend to ad-lib). I thought I did a good job this night of keeping on track. When I finished the devo-- Leona stood up and said she had something to say, I about cried (for one I am a giver and to GET is hard for me) and (two, I never would have thought Leona could stand up in front of that many people BUT she did it b/c she loves me).
My quilt is on the right: titled "My Heart is a Pepper" b/c again, this is my blog I will include my essay. I machine quilted the little hearts on the quilt. (thus the name)
" I know the name of my quilt sounds funny but I thought it added humor to the project. Some people name their quilts after people, or designs or the emotion of the experience. I chose to name mine after the one heart shape that looks like a pepper. Never mind the other 686 hearts that look OK---draw attention to the one that was less then perfect. I wonder how many people will look at my quilt and try find the pepper? How many will just see beauty of the colors and blocks. How many wonder if the pepper is a metaphor for something else? Maybe the word "heart" in the title should be pondered. Sometimes I think we think to much on things that don't really need thunk about!! This was an enjoyable experience...and I am glad I got to get fired up about it. Maybe my Heart is a HOT PEPPER! What do you think about that? CW"
These two are the best of friends. LJ always wanted to sew in a quilt group and she is one of the reasons we even had a group. Her poem about her quilt "Wildflowers" was written from her heart. Mary had to be drug into starting the project but we lit a fire in her and turned this woman into a quilter. Her plans were to make 11 more quilts for Christmas presents and she did it!! Her title fit, b/c this was her first quilt.
Missy thinks outside the box. She went with a design she had tried on a different project. She tells us that her work area was the kitchen table. It was a task keeping that area clean enough to sew on. One very conspicuous spot of grape jelly mocked her the last couple of weeks. (I think her quilt is beautiful- jelly stain and all!)
I don't think anyone kept true count how many quilts were made. Kinda the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing. I know we gave many away. We made graduation quilts (I am sure I will write more about them) anniversary quilts, signature quilts for families moving away. Our preacher at the time was from Ohio and we made an Ohio Star quilt and put John Deere prints on the back. His wife turned the BIG 4-0! Yep she got a black quilt from us. I had mentioned earlier that Leona had always wanted to sew with a group. I am a fan of helping people achieve their goals. She asked me what I thought about sending in a photo to a mag. of one of our finished quilts. I said if it was important to her I would make sure we did that. It will have to wait till another time but we did a group quilt for one of our families and it was chosen for QUILT mag. Made Leona's day, think she bought up all the issues at Walmart. Over all 1999 was a good year. We learned a lot about each other and a little about quilting. - thanks for letting me share. -cw
learned something new
05:14 PM, Saturday, February 16, 2008 .. 3 comments .. Link
I thought I figured every thing out when I learned to open more than one tab at a time. Talk about speeding stuff up. I am still on dial up (fingers crossed that we get high speed next week!) I play cards while I wait for sites to load. The other day Nancy-Rose said something about scanning a block. How cool is that? I have a scanner and never learned to use it. Can't say that any more. My first scan- had to save it as a picture file and then load it to photo bucket to resize. This opens up a whole new world for me. I have been taking pictures of projects for years and can now start working similar patterns in to what I am talking about. I had tried to take a picture of a photo and that works in a pinch but now that I can SCAN- I can rule the universe!!!!!
This is a copy of the Round Robin I put together for our group. Cracks me up to see it. Every thing can be so high tech now with the quilt programs, but this is how I STILL throw them together. Give me a couple more years and I will give in and buy a "what ever is on the market" with 100,000 patterns I have to have, but for now I am thrilled I learned a new skill. I.. AM...A.......S C A N N E R. What a great day!
I use to tell people I was 46 but read on a 50 yr level (not funny but after so many years in elem.schools you tend to brag) not sure what level I scan at. Wonder if anyone makes a T-Shirt for that? I need to call and tell my MOM.
be good cheryl
A most Blessed Valentine's Day
11:44 PM, Thursday, February 14, 2008 .. 1 comments .. Link
I wrote the most loving note about part of my day today that I wanted to share. I of course didn't 'save' it and when I hit spell check- lost the page.. I am too tired to try re-draft my thoughts (or the mini novel I typed), and I know that tomorrow I won't remember the mood I was writing BUT this page will serve as a reminder that I need to pay attention (even at night- when I am tired). So sorry everyone missed it- it was a good one!! -be good cheryl
I have a few minutes so I am going to write about my prior writing. One note to make is that the time is off on my computer so I was actually writing late Thursday night (thus the "Valentine's thoughts). I think writing is like dreaming, one can never describe it exactly like she is thinking. My friend, Pam, called me early this morning (Friday) to talk about a possible trip to Chicago to the quilt show. (Thanks AMY for 'inviting me') I told Pam about my attempt at romantic writing and she agreed, somethings just can't be duplicated. When I speak about Love verbally I sometimes sound sarcastic (not my intent mind you, just my voice tone and extra chromosome of sarcasm)
I remember starting my story (a true account of my heart at the time) b/c I had been reading and viewing blogger posts of joy at the gifts received for the holiday. My love language is 'giving gifts'. I shared that and explained that my husband's language is 'service' (now I am giving away the ending) (find and buy the book to get details) So when others are participating in the traditional commercial banters and exchanges of this time of year I get a little introspective as I observe the processes. (Here's where I add the side note that who ever said it is more blessed to 'give' than receive, was a 'giver'- that's how WE (givers) show OUR Love)
I remember throwing in the line my husband uses to excuse his lack of verbal affections, you all know the one: "I told her I loved her when we got married, if I change my mind I'll let her know." His rationalization for not purchasing surprises: "I bought her live flowers once, and they died" Followed by: " I brought home plastic ones and she still has them". It would be funny if not true- (I do still have them, - both!.... flowers and husband)
Needless to say, the idea of dinner and a show never enter my mind........cliff hanger......oh what will happen next?
Several days before, a dear friend had asked me visit 'when I had some time". What she didn't tell me was she wanted to 'clean' out her guest bed room closet.........OK, I am glad to help......What's in it?........
fabric, fabric, fabric, and more fabric.
After awhile of pure joy, sorting, piling, visiting, planning projects........ I realized I had no way to transport it all in my car.
Favorite hubby, Carl, had been home enjoying a bulging disk (I say enjoy b/c men are sooooooo happy when they are sick and sooooo much happier when they are in pain). I phoned to check on him and to let him know it would be 'awhile' before I could get back (pun intended) and fix supper. (I know you think that this is where the "Dinner" part comes in but you would be wrong.)
When I explained I still needed to bag everything up, and get it to my car, and probably take several trips to haul everything home.....he responded with the unthinkable- boo-boo-back-boy said: "Give me twenty minutes, I'll bring the truck"
Marie, and I kicked back and girl talked until he arrived.
She was so excited to show him the volume of what we had freed from years of confinement behind closed doors.
He responded with his usual: Do you want me to haul it to the dump?"
Followed with the backup grin getter: "Or do you want me to just set it on fire here?"
I just wanted him to stand there and not hurt. I wanted him to read my mind about how nice this was to only have to make one trip. I wanted him to sit in the truck and just honk the horn (different story).
What I didn't expect was his show of strength as HE carried bag after bag down the steps to the back of the Dodge. My man, loves me so much he thought of my convenience over his comfort. (Either that or the pain pills were really working) Even after getting things all outside, he came back in a visited a bit. (The visiting had to be the meds.)
Marie, is 81 and lost her dear husband 23 years ago. I am sure she misses him every day. She told us how he worked long hours for the rail road and she learned to keep busy while he was gone. Sewing was a much enjoyed activity for her and explains how she came to have so much stash. Her gift to me, (remember I am a giver) was the overflowing abundance of material to add too or start almost every charity project I dreamed to do. My gift to her, was the hope of opportunity to accomplish tasks she could no longer perform. Carl's gift to us both, was the act of a Godly man, taking care of his woman in front of another woman. (Nothing makes us prouder than to have our guy fight dragons, leap tall buildings and be there for us. If there are any men reading this far- we like the door opening ritual too.)
Marie, enjoyed his stupid jokes, his rolling his eyes when we spoke of making quilts, his screaming in pain as he descended the steps. (OK that didn't happen, just checking to see if anyone is still reading.)
It meant a lot to her to speak about her husband and to have company visit, for a chance to talk. She told me even though the days go fast, the nights are long when you are alone.
When I started the original story Thursday night, I was in a reflective mood, my cup of love was over flowing. I wanted to make a quick statement about love languages and brag a little about my hubby riding in on a white truck to save my day (and a little brag that I got sew much fabric- did I tell you about the fabric?). save it for another blog.
I started out with one of our daughter, Christin's favorite statements: "LOVE is an Action Verb". Even though I rarely get flowers or romantic words to tickle my ears. I got the best-est gift of all. The gift of self sacrifice.
Depending on the tone of the reader, I can see sermon potential or a least a good stand-up bit. (there goes my sarcasm- NO that is not a 'Gift of the Spirit', I've looked it up.)
I'm a bit off track again, but about done. Scripture tell us that of Faith, Hope and Charity the greatest of these is LOVE. I truly feel blessed to be able to see the greatest of these in action. - (last nights account was way better)-
If you are wondering about dinner---
I cooked!
Be good and be blessed. cheryl
Happy Birthday Emily from Lane
12:45 PM, Wednesday, February 13, 2008 .. 1 comments .. Link
Sunday, Lane (4) was invited to a birthday party at our local gymnastic center. He designed the quilt we made as a gift. 12 1/2" blocks of 'girl prints' on both sides and machine quilted with large roses. Emily is a friend from Sunday school. She loves her gift! Lane was pretty proud getting to help make it for her.
Don't know how I set the date on the camera- my bad. Should be 2-10-08
foam pit- lots of fun
My new favorite Thank You note- how cute is this!!
Early Anniv. Quilt (Mike & Kelly)
06:46 PM, Monday, February 11, 2008 .. 2 comments .. Link
In case I haven't said it in awhile, I love my daughter-in-law. Mike and Kelly get to celebrate another year together on the 11th of March. I was going to wait and post pictures later but have time now. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. (or is it Never do today what you can put off til tomorrow- I get confused). Anyway. not that I need an excuse to make the kids a quilt, but if it is for a birthday or anniv. I don't look so strange. Kelly has helped me a lot in my 'quilting world'. She sorts fabrics, strip cuts scraps, machine quilts tops and never says: "Do you really want to do that?" She even helped design and re-size blocks for their wedding quilt. Kelly loves summer, pastel colors. Though not my normal pallet to work with, I must admitt their quilt turned out beautiful. Now when ever I sew a piece and make a light fabrics quilt, Kelly gets first choice if she wants it. A couple of days ago, she was over visiting with the kids and I teased that we need to hurry and start on this years anniversary quilt.
She rolled her eyes in that "are we going to do this every year" look- (of course was the answer!) Well she said- the one I want is already made. How great is that, she likes one that is finished. "IRISH CHAIN in pastels with DAISIES" will have a new home at their house. Now if youngest son can hook-up with a gal that likes "IRISH CHAIN in scrap with TULIPS" I will have one of His anniv. quilts finished too.
Mike & Kelly
Jesse & To Be Announced later.?
grooms cake was so chocolate!!
The cake was wonderful. Kelly had the flowers match her quilt!
How come they always look too young to say "I DO" ? This is one of my favorite pictures of the couple, Mike was teary (said who ever wore the tux before must have had cats, b/c his allergies were bothering him) I tease Kelly that next time she needs to wear clothes to a formal get together. She told me to quit using THIS photo to show off 'her' quilt! I am happy that I also found the one that shows the cake (made to match the flowers in the quilt) . cw
Round Robin RW&B
10:28 AM, Friday, February 8, 2008 .. 3 comments .. Link
Can't believe I found the sketch version. 2/16/08
My first attempt at a Round Robin and I designed and made the whole thing! Talk about not taking time t-o play well with others. A-ctually the idea was that 6 of us would make one center 12" block, one vertical row (6" blocks ) and one horizontal row (8" blocks). We knew before hand what our 'position & colors' were. It was fairly easy to work ahead. Our group project was donated to a Woman's Shelter in Monett, MO. This is the proto-type I made to see if we wanted to try the Round Robin. I am a Broker with RE/MAX Properties and like to decorate my office with Americana colors. This piece has been a topic of many conversations with new clients.
think I slip those butterflies in every where.
card trick is a must do.
I love reds!
blues are good too plate & 16-patch & Card Trick
Have to do some applique just for fun; Sun Bonnet Sue is a favorite, flowers, hearts, butterflies.
Throw in some stars, bow ties, checker board, 9-patch and hole in barn door and you have an interesting quilt to brighten up the office. cw
09:15 AM, Friday, February 8, 2008 .. 4 comments .. Link
Rug from the Thrift shop: $5. Scraps from a friend: $0. Time spent daydreaming of future quilts: PRICELESS!
I have been trying very hard not to "BUY" fabric. This was a compulsive purchase- the crochet rug was at the thrift shop for $5.00! there are two small places to re-do BUT over all- what a deal. The colors are a little light so it will go in the guest bedroom where it won't get as much traffic.
Had to share good news! Good for me that is, my friend LEONA asked if I wanted a few scraps- I had to think about it for awhile (count 1/2 second!) What a pleasent suprise! 6 BAGS FULL. I spent several hours last night scattering this all over the livingroom and diningroom. Can not even imagine all the quilts that can be made. Counted 4 sets of hand sewn blocks! Think I am leaning towards finishing them in period fabrics. Wonder if this is what my containers of vintage was waiting for. May have to end of hand piecing and hand quilting after all.
I had better get it picked up before Hubby gets home! - cw
I'll show you mine- machine that is!
12:33 PM, Thursday, February 7, 2008 .. 5 comments .. Link
I have sewn for years, nothing professional, just for utility. I want to journal some of my first experiences so my kids can see the reason behind the 'madness'. Several people have asked about sewing / quilting machines. I took a couple of pictures and thought I would share. ( A farmer told me once "Never ask a man how much land he has- for one you might embarrass him and two- he might tell you and embarrass you) I don't think this applies to women and their machines. We love to talk about ours, big or small, new or old. Here is the story behind mine: I started sewing quilt tops in the late 1980's. For the most part I would "tie" them and made a whopping 10 to 12 a year. Most went for gifts and a few were kept for utility quilts on our beds. When we moved to Missouri in 1995, I was blessed to make a friend with a gal from church named Helen Woods. Helen was a machine quilter, bought her first machine in 1979. She did border to border continuous line and preferred hearts and bells etc... Helen took me under her wing and taught me on her machine. I enjoyed the time we spent together and she let me sneak in my tops when she wasn't busy with customer pieces. My passion was ignited! Now instead of just throwing together something and tying it, I could pretend to be a quilter! I dreamed of the day I could have my own machine.
Of course with 4 teenagers in the house at the time, the budget was not conducive to such an expense.
One day, our oldest son was 'lumping' for a driver with my husbands company. This driver had a mother who quilted. Would you believe my son brought up the conversation that concluded with this woman didn't want her machine any more!! Michael was going to 'buy' it as a surprise gift for me. The price was a little out of his range ($1,000). He told me about his delima. He didn't have the cash and was afraid she would sell it before he could come up with it. (With out going into to many details- hubby decided to 'take a look' and ended up writing a check) I not only got my machine- I got a kid that realized that I liked to quilt! The first couple of years I quilted several tops a week. I never got tired of it. Each one looked different. My hobby paid for itself and I bartered for fabric to fuel my compulsive nature. If I never did any work except for family it still would have been worth it. The tops I quilted for friends and for charity are the icing on the cake.
My machine is older than I am. I don't know an exact date but in some ways it is in better shape. I have changed out the motor twice in the ten years we have been together.
I can't count the number of quilts that have been produced. I will always be thankful that our son brought up the topic of quilting that day on the road. Our children have had unlimited access to quilts for wedding presents, graduation gifts, baby showers and I have enjoyed each one I made. I have looked at newer machines and never seem to be able to justify the cost. I hope to get another 20 years out of mine. Maybe daughter-in-law, Kelly will be the one to get a new machine. I am extremely content with the equipment I have been blessed with.
"SnowFlake" Quilt Tutorial
08:22 PM, Sunday, February 3, 2008 .. 2 comments .. Link
I didn't name this quilt "snowflake" but that is the closest word I can think of to describe the technique I used.
Several years ago I had seen an example of Hawaiian Quilting. I had seen many of these quilts as a child when we visited friends on the Big Island. I wanted a quicker way to get a Hawaiian Look with out the hours of needle turn to applique.
Short version is: DOUBLE SIDED IRON ON PELON! wonderful stuff, makes the piece a little stiffer than just raw edge applique BUT holds the prints in place while you sew.
I originally used white thread and a short zig-zag stitch to attach my prints to a cream background. Now that I have a machine that does the fancy stitches- I hope to do a smaller block and play around with the thread colors and stitches.
INSTRUCTIONS: pick a block size---iron pelon to the back of the print (I prefer small prints or tone on tone) cut to the size desired. (the larger the block the more details you can cut into it) I prepare my background blocks by cutting them slightly larger than I hope to finish them.
Practice cutting snowflakes out of newspaper till you get the hang of it. When you get one you like, use that for a pattern or just free cut.
To cut the fabric snowflake: Peel off the paper from the pelon. Carefully fold the fabric to get the starter shape you like. (finger press to get flat folds- do NOT iron at this point) When you are ready - Make your cuts. Be careful to not cut completely thru the fabric sides (your flake will fall apart!)
When you get a snowflake you like: ironed it down to the background block. Then machine applique with the stitch of your choice. (I don't satian stitch!) Depending on size it may take you a few minutes to cover all the edges.
Now you can re-size the finished block. Use it as you would any other block that size. These look good on point, with/without sashing, with/without borders etc.....
TRY: different styles, circles, (I prefer squares) triangles, hexagons, etc... and experiment with prints, and backgrounds.
If you don't know how to cut snowflakes: ask a grade school kid. There are links below for extra help on patterns for flakes.
A+ Paper Snowflakes for Children Snow flake Pattern instruction ...
Paper Snowflakes web site contains hundreds of paper cutting patterns. Hours of free entertainment with poems about snow, colorbook printables, ... - 22k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Paper Snowflakes - Free Instructions
Free instructions for making paper snowflakes. ... (If you choose to cut off D, a hole will be in the center. If you choose to cut off E, the tips will have ... - 7k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
paper snowflake designs pattern library snowflakes to fold cut ...
Make Paper Snowflakes - Folding Patterns. Snowflake Folding Patterns - free and copyrighted ... All Paper Snowflake Patterns to Fold and Cut Out ... - 20k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Dave's Paper Snowflake Patterns
This site contains images, patterns and instructions for over 300 paper snowflakes that have been cut out of ordinary writing and computer paper with small ... - 15k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
A+ Hawaiian Snowflakes - Make Paper Hawaiian Snowflake ornaments ...
Hawaiian Snowflakes for Children! Make a paper snowflake with Printable Snowflake fold and cut Patterns for children Patterns ... - 14k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Free Winter Art & Craft Projects How to Make Paper Snowflakes
"Images, patterns and instructions for paper snowflakes that can be cut out of ... Download February's Free Sample Nature Sentiments Gift Tag/Note Card ... - 28k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Easy-Scrap Wedding Ring Quilt
05:35 PM, Saturday, February 2, 2008 .. 2 comments .. Link
I really, really, love cutting scraps when we travel- wedding ring wedges are quick and easy.
I have made the traditional double wedding ring quilt on a light tan background with set in pieces (yuck)
Problem is I can cut faster than I can sew especially if I am expected to use pins.
These are a raw edge applique version. I have made many of this on different background and all turn out well. These arches are sewn on an 8" square. 4 sqs make up a block. This quilt is 4 x 5 blocks (64 x 80).
sorry the butterflies show up everywhere.
Another way to use the arches is to sew several per square. This yields secondary designs in the corners.
This is a very busy quilt. A beautiful way to show off small pieces of favorite fabrics. I know I will make many more of these. I like to use them as wedding gifts for friends of our kids.- cw
Future Wedding Quilt
04:17 PM, Saturday, February 2, 2008 .. 2 comments .. Link
This LOVER'S KNOT was sewn several years ago during a snow storm. We live in the country so every couple of years we seem to get a bad enough storm to lose power. When that happens we 'run' to town and hold up at Mom's house. I rarely "BUY" fabric for a quilt. Don't even remember why I bought these particular prints. Glad I did though. I found a Lovers' Knot in a book I was looking through. I thought I CAN DO THAT! and I HAVE JUST THE RIGHT MATERIAL! I like to do my math in my head and be surprised IF/WHEN the block works out. One can't go wrong with 2 1/2" sqs. so I gave it a try. I usually don't finish planned out projects. I get bored after I see the pattern start to show up. This however got finished because I was able to spend all day working on it (ok several all days). Don't know which child will end up with this treasure, it may go to a grandchild. I do hope to use it as a wedding gift for one of the offspring.
made with 2 1/2" sqs around a 4 1/2" background (yields an 8 1/2" block). Set with 4 1/2 x 8 1/2" background strips that have triangle (star points) and a 4-patch of prints as the setting sq.. Unbelievably easy!
Think I might try this one again but in scraps- cw
Look at what I 'found'
10:53 AM, Saturday, February 2, 2008 .. 6 comments .. Link
I put together a mini tutorial,
check it out Thought maybe I had given this one away- "found" it under the guest bed. These are 12 1/2" prints cut 'snowflake' style. Only one was done with a templete. The rest are free hand. I machine raw edge zig-zag each block and set with 2 1/2" cream back ground fabric. Think I might do a similar one now that I have a machine that does 'stitches' this would look popping with a black overcast stitch!
I like them all but these are kinda favorites. Hope you enjoy! cw
SAM (old american quilts!)
09:31 AM, Saturday, February 2, 2008 .. 2 comments .. Link
Hey I found this site, thought you might like to take a look. I found two that I will add to my MUST-DO list. Hope everyone is having a great day- cheryl
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