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MO Quilter
Early Anniv. Quilt (Mike & Kelly)
07:46 PM, Monday, February 11, 2008 .. 2 comments .. Link
In case I haven't said it in awhile, I love my daughter-in-law. Mike and Kelly get to celebrate another year together on the 11th of March. I was going to wait and post pictures later but have time now. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. (or is it Never do today what you can put off til tomorrow- I get confused). Anyway. not that I need an excuse to make the kids a quilt, but if it is for a birthday or anniv. I don't look so strange. Kelly has helped me a lot in my 'quilting world'. She sorts fabrics, strip cuts scraps, machine quilts tops and never says: "Do you really want to do that?" She even helped design and re-size blocks for their wedding quilt. Kelly loves summer, pastel colors. Though not my normal pallet to work with, I must admitt their quilt turned out beautiful. Now when ever I sew a piece and make a light fabrics quilt, Kelly gets first choice if she wants it. A couple of days ago, she was over visiting with the kids and I teased that we need to hurry and start on this years anniversary quilt.
She rolled her eyes in that "are we going to do this every year" look- (of course was the answer!) Well she said- the one I want is already made. How great is that, she likes one that is finished. "IRISH CHAIN in pastels with DAISIES" will have a new home at their house. Now if youngest son can hook-up with a gal that likes "IRISH CHAIN in scrap with TULIPS" I will have one of His anniv. quilts finished too.
Mike & Kelly
Jesse & To Be Announced later.?
How come they always look too young to say "I DO" ? This is one of my favorite pictures of the couple, Mike was teary (said who ever wore the tux before must have had cats, b/c his allergies were bothering him) I tease Kelly that next time she needs to wear clothes to a formal get together. She told me to quit using this photo to show off her quilt! I need to find one that shows the cake (made to match the flowers in the quilt) Will update when I find more pictures. cw
Round Robin RW&B
11:28 AM, Friday, February 8, 2008 .. 3 comments .. Link
My first attempt at a Round Robin and I designed and made the whole thing! Talk about not taking time to play well with others. Actually the idea was that 6 of us would make one center 12" block, one vertical row (6" blocks ) and one horizontal row (8" blocks). We knew before hand what our 'position & colors' were. It was fairly easy to work ahead. Our group project was donated to a Woman's Shelter in Monett, MO. This is the proto-type I made to see if we wanted to try the Round Robin. I am a Broker with RE/MAX Properties and like to decorate my office with Americana colors. This piece has been a topic of many conversations with new clients.
think I slip those butterflies in every where.
card trick is a must do.
I love reds!
blues are good too plate & 16-patch & Card Trick
Have to do some applique just for fun; Sun Bonnet Sue is a favorite, flowers, hearts, butterflies.
Throw in some stars, bow ties, checker board, 9-patch and hole in barn door and you have an interesting quilt to brighten up the office. cw
10:15 AM, Friday, February 8, 2008 .. 4 comments .. Link
Rug from the Thrift shop: $5. Scraps from a friend: $0. Time spent daydreaming of future quilts: PRICELESS!
I have been trying very hard not to "BUY" fabric. This was a compulsive purchase- the crochet rug was at the thrift shop for $5.00! there are two small places to re-do BUT over all- what a deal. The colors are a little light so it will go in the guest bedroom where it won't get as much traffic.
Had to share good news! Good for me that is, my friend LEONA asked if I wanted a few scraps- I had to think about it for awhile (count 1/2 second!) What a pleasent suprise! 6 BAGS FULL. I spent several hours last night scattering this all over the livingroom and diningroom. Can not even imagine all the quilts that can be made. Counted 4 sets of hand sewn blocks! Think I am leaning towards finishing them in period fabrics. Wonder if this is what my containers of vintage was waiting for. May have to end of hand piecing and hand quilting after all.
I had better get it picked up before Hubby gets home! - cw
I'll show you mine- machine that is!
01:33 PM, Thursday, February 7, 2008 .. 5 comments .. Link
I have sewn for years, nothing professional, just for utility. I want to journal some of my first experiences so my kids can see the reason behind the 'madness'. Several people have asked about sewing / quilting machines. I took a couple of pictures and thought I would share. ( A farmer told me once "Never ask a man how much land he has- for one you might embarrass him and two- he might tell you and embarrass you) I don't think this applies to women and their machines. We love to talk about ours, big or small, new or old. Here is the story behind mine: I started sewing quilt tops in the late 1980's. For the most part I would "tie" them and made a whopping 10 to 12 a year. Most went for gifts and a few were kept for utility quilts on our beds. When we moved to Missouri in 1995, I was blessed to make a friend with a gal from church named Helen Woods. Helen was a machine quilter, bought her first machine in 1979. She did border to border continuous line and preferred hearts and bells etc... Helen took me under her wing and taught me on her machine. I enjoyed the time we spent together and she let me sneak in my tops when she wasn't busy with customer pieces. My passion was ignited! Now instead of just throwing together something and tying it, I could pretend to be a quilter! I dreamed of the day I could have my own machine.
Of course with 4 teenagers in the house at the time, the budget was not conducive to such an expense.
One day, our oldest son was 'lumping' for a driver with my husbands company. This driver had a mother who quilted. Would you believe my son brought up the conversation that concluded with this woman didn't want her machine any more!! Michael was going to 'buy' it as a surprise gift for me. The price was a little out of his range ($1,000). He told me about his delima. He didn't have the cash and was afraid she would sell it before he could come up with it. (With out going into to many details- hubby decided to 'take a look' and ended up writing a check) I not only got my machine- I got a kid that realized that I liked to quilt! The first couple of years I quilted several tops a week. I never got tired of it. Each one looked different. My hobby paid for itself and I bartered for fabric to fuel my compulsive nature. If I never did any work except for family it still would have been worth it. The tops I quilted for friends and for charity are the icing on the cake.
My machine is older than I am. I don't know an exact date but in some ways it is in better shape. I have changed out the motor twice in the ten years we have been together.
I can't count the number of quilts that have been produced. I will always be thankful that our son brought up the topic of quilting that day on the road. Our children have had unlimited access to quilts for wedding presents, graduation gifts, baby showers and I have enjoyed each one I made. I have looked at newer machines and never seem to be able to justify the cost. I hope to get another 20 years out of mine. Maybe daughter-in-law, Kelly will be the one to get a new machine. I am extremely content with the equipment I have been blessed with.
"SnowFlake" Quilt Tutorial
09:22 PM, Sunday, February 3, 2008 .. 2 comments .. Link
I didn't name this quilt "snowflake" but that is the closest word I can think of to describe the technique I used. http://web.archive.org/web/20080213094412/http://www.myquiltblog.com/quilt4younow/6161/
Several years ago I had seen an example of Hawaiian Quilting. I had seen many of these quilts as a child when we visited friends on the Big Island. I wanted a quicker way to get a Hawaiian Look with out the hours of needle turn to applique.
Short version is: DOUBLE SIDED IRON ON PELON! wonderful stuff, makes the piece a little stiffer than just raw edge applique BUT holds the prints in place while you sew.
I originally used white thread and a short zig-zag stitch to attach my prints to a cream background. Now that I have a machine that does the fancy stitches- I hope to do a smaller block and play around with the thread colors and stitches.
INSTRUCTIONS: pick a block size---iron pelon to the back of the print (I prefer small prints or tone on tone) cut to the size desired. (the larger the block the more details you can cut into it) I prepare my background blocks by cutting them slightly larger than I hope to finish them.
Practice cutting snowflakes out of newspaper till you get the hang of it. When you get one you like, use that for a pattern or just free cut.
To cut the fabric snowflake: Peel off the paper from the pelon. Carefully fold the fabric to get the starter shape you like. (finger press to get flat folds- do NOT iron at this point) When you are ready - Make your cuts. Be careful to not cut completely thru the fabric sides (your flake will fall apart!)
When you get a snowflake you like: ironed it down to the background block. Then machine applique with the stitch of your choice. (I don't satian stitch!) Depending on size it may take you a few minutes to cover all the edges.
Now you can re-size the finished block. Use it as you would any other block that size. These look good on point, with/without sashing, with/without borders etc.....
TRY: different styles, circles, (I prefer squares) triangles, hexagons, etc... and experiment with prints, and backgrounds.
If you don't know how to cut snowflakes: ask a grade school kid. There are links below for extra help on patterns for flakes.
A+ Paper Snowflakes for Children | Snow flake Pattern instruction ...
Paper Snowflakes web site contains hundreds of paper cutting patterns. Hours of free entertainment with poems about snow, colorbook printables, ...
www.papersnowflakes.com/ - 22k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Paper Snowflakes - Free Instructions
Free instructions for making paper snowflakes. ... (If you choose to cut off D, a hole will be in the center. If you choose to cut off E, the tips will have ...
highhopes.com/snowflakes.html - 7k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
paper snowflake designs pattern library | snowflakes to fold cut ...
Make Paper Snowflakes - Folding Patterns. Snowflake Folding Patterns - free and copyrighted ... All Paper Snowflake Patterns to Fold and Cut Out ...
www.papersnowflakes.com/patterns.htm - 20k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Dave's Paper Snowflake Patterns
This site contains images, patterns and instructions for over 300 paper snowflakes that have been cut out of ordinary writing and computer paper with small ...
www.daves-snowflakes.com/ - 15k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
A+ Hawaiian Snowflakes - Make Paper Hawaiian Snowflake ornaments ...
Hawaiian Snowflakes for Children! Make a paper snowflake with Printable Snowflake fold and cut Patterns for children Patterns ...
www.hawaiiansnowflakes.com/ - 14k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Free Winter Art & Craft Projects | How to Make Paper Snowflakes
"Images, patterns and instructions for paper snowflakes that can be cut out of ... Download February's Free Sample Nature Sentiments Gift Tag/Note Card ...
www.creativity-portal.com/howto/artscrafts/crafts_winter.html - 28k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Easy-Scrap Wedding Ring Quilt
06:35 PM, Saturday, February 2, 2008 .. 12 comments .. Link
I really, really, love cutting scraps when we travel- wedding ring wedges are quick and easy. I have made the traditional double wedding ring quilt on a light tan background with set in pieces (yuck)
Problem is I can cut faster than I can sew especially if I am expected to use pins. This is a raw edge applique version. I have made many of this on different background and all turn out well. These arches are sewn on an 8" square. 4 sqs make up a block. This quilt is 4 x 5 blocks (64 x 80).
Another way to use the arches is to sew several per square. This yields secondary designs in the corners.
This is a very busy quilt. A beautiful way to show off small pieces of favorite fabrics. I know I will make many more of these. I like to use them as wedding gifts for friends of our kids.- cw
Future Wedding Quilt
05:17 PM, Saturday, February 2, 2008 .. 2 comments .. Link
This LOVER'S KNOT was sewn several years ago during a snow storm. We live in the country so every couple of years we seem to get a bad enough storm to lose power. When that happens we 'run' to town and hold up at Mom's house. I rarely "BUY" fabric for a quilt. Don't even remember why I bought these particular prints. Glad I did though. I found a Lovers' Knot in a book I was looking through. I thought I CAN DO THAT! and I HAVE JUST THE RIGHT MATERIAL! I like to do my math in my head and be surprised IF/WHEN the block works out. One can't go wrong with 2 1/2" sqs. so I gave it a try. I usually don't finish planned out projects. I get bored after I see the pattern start to show up. This however got finished because I was able to spend all day working on it (ok several all days). Don't know which child will end up with this treasure, it may go to a grandchild. I do hope to use it as a wedding gift for one of the offspring.
made with 2 1/2" sqs around a 4 1/2" background (yields an 8 1/2" block). Set with 4 1/2 x 8 1/2" background strips that have triangle (star points) and a 4-patch of prints as the setting sq.. Unbelievably easy!
Think I might try this one again but in scraps- cw
Look at what I 'found'
11:53 AM, Saturday, February 2, 2008 .. 6 comments .. Link
I put together a mini tutorial,
check it out http://web.archive.org/web/20080213094412/http://www.myquiltblog.com/quilt4younow/6174/ Thought maybe I had given this one away- "found" it under the guest bed. These are 12 1/2" prints cut 'snowflake' style. Only one was done with a templete. The rest are free hand. I machine raw edge zig-zag each block and set with 2 1/2" cream back ground fabric. Think I might do a similar one now that I have a machine that does 'stitches' this would look popping with a black overcast stitch!
I like them all but these are kinda favorites. Hope you enjoy! cw
SAM (old american quilts!)
10:31 AM, Saturday, February 2, 2008 .. 2 comments .. Link
Hey I found this site, thought you might like to take a look. I found two that I will add to my MUST-DO list. Hope everyone is having a great day- cheryl http://web.archive.org/web/20080213094412/http://www.historic-american.com/Circa1900Quilts.html
Let it Snow, Let me SEW!
12:02 PM, Friday, February 1, 2008 .. 1 comments .. Link
We got snowed in , I've played hookey from work for 3 days now, kelly talked me into making a valentines print bow tie (I really am getting down to the end of the fabrics) Did a baby top for the grand daughter (this kids is going to have a hundred quilts by the time she is 2!) I am home so that means dial-up and cant' do pictures. I figured out if I play cards while I wait for photos to load that I can call it multitasking. I have 82 wins in a row on the FreeCell game I like. Everyone have a wonderful day. be good cw
Happy Birthday to Karlee
03:31 PM, Tuesday, January 29, 2008 .. 2 comments .. Link
Our little grand-daughter turns ONE on Jan 30th. My how time flies! Sunday evening after services we gathered in the fellowship building to celebrate all the January Birthdays of church members. Karlee is the youngest ! Here is a picture of her and her grandpa Carl. We are so proud of all our grandkids! As of now the boys out number the girls 3-1. Grandma's holding out for a set of twins to even it up- so far no one is giving an indentation of compliance! Karlee Faith Willis is the daughter of our son, Michael and daughter-in-law, Kelly. Their family lives close to us and I enjoy getting to see them as they are growing up. Love being a grandma!!
too cute!
quilting designs
08:59 AM, Monday, January 28, 2008 .. 1 comments .. Link
Found these on a stashbusters, too good not to share:
Here are some freebies:
http://www.patchpie ces.com/2001quil tingBOM.html
http://pagesperso- orange.fr/ struss/archive/ archive.htm
http://quickquilts. com/motifs/
http://www.quiltmak er.com/motifextr as/
http://quiltmaker. com/motifs/ motif40/
Speaking of Small Pieces-
01:42 PM, Friday, January 25, 2008 .. 1 comments .. Link
Sometimes I cut with out a project in mind. These were cut on a trip to Lubbock TX. It took me a couple of week ends to sew it together after I decided on a pattern. Sad thing is there is another pre-cut Ready to DO- stuck in a box somewhere in my quilting den. Wonder what that top will look like when I get to it?
There are 193 pcs. per block not including the sashing borders. This twin quilt is set 3 x 4 blocks. Our daughter in AZ (formally our daugher in TX) has dibs on this piece. Named "What Can I Do on a 12 hr Drive" cw
Dresden Plates
01:32 PM, Friday, January 25, 2008 .. 2 comments .. Link
I just can't get enough of scrapy. The quilt was cut out on a car trip to visit my folks in OK. I tend to be drawn towards fall colors and had no problem using the orange swiss I had for the centers of the plates. The petals were cut out of scraps and delt into piles of 16 each to spread the fabrics around. This top was raw-edge applique and machine quilted.
The 49-patch as setting blocks measure 12". What a fun way to use up small pcs. - cw
Old Fans, New Life
01:20 PM, Friday, January 25, 2008 .. 0 comments .. Link
These fans were pieced and forgotten. Doomed to a snuggleless life in a box on a shelf. Found by an old friend who was repulsed by their construction. Gifted to me as a joke. See what you can do with these was the challenge. No Problem: I was delighted to sew. Now an old fan has a new life and a new name: "Mustard and Relish" because it goes good on everything, especially the guest bed at my house!!
Morel of the story is: When in doubt- don't throw it out- call Cheryl, she will quilt anything!
Large STAR
01:32 PM, Wednesday, January 23, 2008 .. 1 comments .. Link
Found this picture of a star quilt I made several years ago. I really loved the blue used in the background. Our son and wife have this beautiful piece on their bed.
The black print spokes were from a very favorite fabric that I am totally out of. It had little roses on it, if any one has scraps (of the black print) please hollar at me I would be interested in trading for them. cw
12:15 PM, Monday, January 21, 2008 .. 2 comments .. Link
I found a couple still at my home with the bow-tie block. I think my favorite one is in Chicago, I am hunting a picture. It was scrapy, started by husbands grandmother and one of the first tops I sewed. I remember setting the Y seams and hateing it at the time. This version is sew much easier! These were made using 5 sqs of fabric and sewing in a dementional style. If any is interested I will edit and do a tutorial.
Gotta do a scrapy every once in awhile!!
Large bows show off stash.
small bows do too!!!
one more to show scale, think the large one was done with 5" block, the smaller on with 2 1/2"
BOX Block (Valentine's Prints)
11:55 AM, Monday, January 21, 2008 .. 4 comments .. Link
This is a block that is going around in the net- I fell in love with Amy's black & white version and decided to start my own. Kelly had cut most of my Valentines fabrics into 6" strips. We sorted them into bags for future quilts. I used the odd and ends left overs to see what I could throw together. Here is the favorite so far
added braided border
also did another cut up 9-patch:
Easy crazy scrap block
03:55 PM, Sunday, January 20, 2008 .. 0 comments .. Link
There are several quick techniques to make blocks. I usually either paper piece if I am working truely with scraps, or if pcs are large enough start with squares. The 2nd method is only if I need to get an organized scrappy look. If anyone is interested I can put together a tutorial. This is a quilt I made using the 'start with a sq' method.
.This one had 3 strips up the middle and tri -corners. Each print will show up in each position on a block. Usually when I make this style I will make several tops at the same time so the fabrics look more scrappy by being spread out over additional tops. On this quilt I think if I had paid more attention when I trimmed the blocks I could have secondary designs in the triangle corners.
This second top looks similar but was paper pieced in the sense that I used phone book pages to stabilize the fabric as I was constructing the block. In this quilt each 4-patch block has a 'mate' that is the revese color setting. There is one odd block in the top. I like to make quilts that have more to the story then meets the eye. My kids enjoy these hidded treasures. Real conversation starters. Can you find the 'pairs'? Probably not with out seeing the whole quilt but you get the idea.
This next one is paper pieced very random:
Sew with a small to the inch stitch so it doesn't pull out when you take the paper off the back. Good project for kids to help do (the paper removeal- mine loved it)
Sun Bonnet Sue's
01:10 PM, Saturday, January 19, 2008 .. 4 comments .. Link
This SUE quilt was done using an iron on pelon that is sewed/turned and then iron in place I did an invisable thread machine stitched to hold it down. The girls are set (5 x 6) on 12 1/2" back ground squares cut from a cotton sheet 200 thread count. Sashings are 2 1/2" strips bringing the quilt to about 72" x 86". This one is saved for a grand-daughter to be identified at a later date. (probably the one who does the most cleaning around my house--- just kidding)
Mini-Sue was made from scraps of a friends Sue top.
Pastel- Sues was a comissioned piece made for the mother of a dear friend. Would make a wonderful fat quarter project. I usually perfer more scrapy BUT these girls grew on me.
These are not Sues but fun to make. A modified parasel-girl (I didn't want to make lots of little umbrellas) -they look good in scraps or coordinated fabrics too. Think I was using a 12 1/2 background and the 9-patches were cut 2 1/2" matched with a 6 1/2 background sq. to make the alt. blocks. This is a fairly easy top to raw edge applique. I like to experiment with the stitched and thread colors. These make nice gifts and a fun top to make out of scraps from childhood clothing.
This top belongs to our oldest daughter, she came up with the idea to use black solids on the bodice, skirt ruffle and sashing strips. These girls are on larger blocks set 3 x 4. A nice way to show off favorite fabrics.
Here is an example of a 'favorite' fabric. I think she is looking for a lost love to return. My husband thinks she is checking out her cleavage- either version, this is an easy doll top to sew. - cw
Explaining the new Avatar--
12:56 PM, Saturday, January 19, 2008 .. 2 comments .. Link
Don't know who took this picture of me in the mornings but I have been seeing it all over the place- thought it was time to change out my Avatar so blog readers can see who they are communicating with! I am enjoying this time of sharing. I encourage all of you to add a picture if you haven't done so yet. It really helps putting a face to the name to the quilting style. I love getting to see all the wonder quilts and ideas this community is sharing. Please keep it up. be good cheryl Sorry to edit this again, someone else is using the green coffee guy as their avatar so I will change mine! Hopefully this is the last time for a day or two. Now I am susing a block I designed. cw
Here's the latest-
I like color-I like scraps!
11:14 AM, Saturday, January 19, 2008 .. 1 comments .. Link
Kids and I started taking pictures of past quilts that are still in the closet. These are from a series so to speak- all made around the same time and liked enough to keep for future gifts to the off-spring's off-spring. I have always been happier the scrappier the top. These were experiments in adding solid colors.
This is a 16 patch block made with 2 1/2" sqs. The border for each was done using 1/2 triangle/sqs. and a scrap sq in the corners. I think the next time I do this project I will use flying geese in the border to spead it up a bit. I need to add pictures of the companion quilts as I get them. I will post a tutorial of how we did the tri/sqs too.
I know using solids in the setting sqs. has been done a lot. On this top I was inspired by an older piece I saw that gave a bull's eye look to the setting arangement. Not as noticable up close but from a distance the navy and red POP out in expanding bull's eye squares. I will try find better pictures- neat scrap quilt.
There are at least two other quilts I think I would like to have pictured here. and I will add them as I find them.
My stash of solids is growing and over flowing. Maybe this will be a year to tackle the piles and make a few solid only tops. - cw
made with the geese in solid, everything else scrap.
gotta have a couple of bow ties too.
Hey AMY!
10:31 AM, Saturday, January 19, 2008 .. 3 comments .. Link
I looked for black fabrics last night and am embarassed to admitt it but I don't have a shelf full.
these look more grey or have color, I did find two that I like-
I am not sure they are as pure b&w as the fabrics you were using. Sure love your quilt top- think I looked at it way too long- coveting is still wrong, right? be good cw
LOW Art-Quilts
03:48 PM, Friday, January 18, 2008 .. 3 comments .. Link
Last winter the girls and I were looking for something fun to do with double-knit. We decided to try our hands at a quilted rug. The following are 3 different/similar techniques that evolved as we discovered a process that worked for us. These mats turned out pretty thick so be careful if you try it at home. (did you ever have to be warned about quilting?)
This one is an old orphan block that has found a new home as a mat in my office. Double knit has a mind of it's own, so I used lots and lots of zig-zag stitching to hold this puppy down!
Our daughter Christin sketched out her design and it was interpertated by Kelly. This was zig-zag applique on the machine and then free motioned quilted on the long-arm. Lots of fun making this floor art.
Kelly laid out her cut and pin design and I got the thrill of getting to meander all over it. Still love getting to see this piece when ever we go over to their home to visit. These "Low Art" pieces wash up quickly and should wear well for a long, long time. Most of the fun was in the fellowship of creating them. Reminded me of being in grade school. My girls sure know how to humor their mom.
Mini's and Baby's
01:26 PM, Friday, January 18, 2008 .. 4 comments .. Link
I don't know why but it appears that at one time I thought their might be a fabric shortage at our home. I went through a phase where I made a lot of small quilts. Most have been set aside for the grandkids to use as doll baby quilts. Here are a few of my favorites to share: LOG CABIN made with 1" strips to get me in the mood to tackle my pineapple top (which is still "UFO") This a doll quilt that I will keep for awhile.
Got to have a Sun Bonnet Sue QUILT- these dolls are appliqued in a very mini-version- have another set cut in the TO-DO pile! Each block is 4" with border.
LOVE TO CUT OUT FANS- don't know why but I have hundred of these laying around.
Not hundreds of quilts but many, many, many sets bagged and ready for the TO-DO position. I have had to decide that UFO's are started tops only. Cut-out sets don't count, I have tooooooo many started.
These 'girls' were embroidery using crochet thread. (I like the thicker stitch and more primitive look) I had made a blue set of boys for our daughter's first son. This is the companion piece and will be given to our son's daughter when she turns "ONE" Jan 30th- time goes so fast. I don't do much hand work BUT have several more on my TO-DO list.
Irish chain made with 1" pcs.
gotta make one with a little applique!
Gotta do some 9-patch!! These are baby quilts. Must have been my RED stage.
Not the last one I have done but the last for this blog is my version of the unbrella gal.
I didn't like having to decide which way to position the parasol so I re-did the bonnet and made her looking away as pondering a lost love (or as my hubby says "looking down her cleavage"). Either version make it easier to applique the block. Less pieces. I have made many quilt tops with these dolls and will post separately when I get time.
traditional version
Keep sewing! - cheryl
Every Quilt needs a CAT !
01:07 PM, Friday, January 18, 2008 .. 2 comments .. Link
I have noticed that a lot of quilters have the family cat in the pictures that are blogged about their work. I am very allergic to real felines but want to be part of the in-crowd so I hunted up my "one" quilt w/a cat to share.
This quilt was started years ago just to see if the technique would work. My 'plan' was for a different top for our bed and this one was the prototype. I search thru cross stitch books until I found one I liked and converted it to a 10 x 10 grid. each sq was a one inch before seams. I paper pieced strips and then re-paper pieced the blocks.
I named this mess PATCHES b/c my hubby had had a cat with that name. I also re-drafted the table cloth in the orrigional to look more like a quilt. Think I decided from this project that I am not a real fan of paper piecing!!
Details on the face, quilt, wallpaper. This sure brings back memories of a lot of work. Wonder if it would have been for fun in applique? cw
Pineapple Mini
12:45 PM, Friday, January 18, 2008 .. 3 comments .. Link
This one is def. in my UFO pile! My joy was cutting it out and making sure it would work, then I lost interest. I am thinking if I finish it I might do some little mini-butterflies around the border.
four 'pineapples' make a block. This beauty will some day be 3 x 4 blocks (2 yrs and counting) before the border. Strips are 1" cut and 1/2 after seam allowance. The pineapple is about 7 1/2" give or take. I wonder which great-grand child of mine will be the one to finish it? ha ha.
I had just enough of the brown swiss print to cut the 48 center sqs. Don't know why I did that, now I can't find any more to use for an inner border.- oh well keep looking-
I used 4 colors for this block Red/Green/Blue/Yellow
I am not too fond of the alt. block that is forming in the corners- might have to re-think it or applique small butterflies on a light back ground and change it out after I get the rest of the blocks done.
At the rate I am going, someone else will have to deal with it, hope I get to see what it looks like. Hate to admitt it but I probably have enough strips cut to do several of these! Shame on me- cw
4-patch in Blues
01:52 PM, Thursday, January 17, 2008 .. 2 comments .. Link
If you ever need a fast and easy- this is it. I was working with a client who's daughter kept finding bedrooms painted blue. She would always pick that to be 'her' room (so I assumed she liked blue). I started this quilt for them looking forward to Closing on their new home. I think the quilt turned out blue- blue- blue! Guess what color she asked to paint her new bedroom? RED!!
Too funny- the quilt will live in the family room on the back of the sofa. Think I will cut out a few squares and let her make her own red version.
This one was made with 5" sqs (strip cut and sewn) to make the 4-patch blocks. Alt. blocks are 9 1/2". I like to make couch size (54x72ish) borders can be added to make this larger (or add more blocks)
close up of the blue alt block. I would love to have more of this fabric. I used the only pc. in this quilt and wish I had more to work into my scrap pile.
10:17 PM, Wednesday, January 16, 2008 .. 3 comments .. Link
Who is the one to THANK for this blogging opportunity? Is there someone who over sees this site? I am so thrilled to beable to visit and post and NOT be bombarded with adds. How is this possible? It has been several months since I signed up so I have forgotten if I 'agreed" to any terms. Is there a Host I need to be aware of. I have spent more time lately 'surf-ing' and I am really trying to learn the rules. This is almost too good to be true.
Is there a directory to find other bloggers. I have been pretty good at seeing what most of the newbies are up to but there are hundreds that have posted and unless they post now I don't get to read past projects.
Is there a time limit to how long the posts stay active? I have been trying to go back and up date pictures as I finish things or think of something new. I noticed that several will post multiple times on the same project. Is there a right/wrong way or is it just up to the writer?
Is there a way to link other quilters post to an entry I want to write? There are a couple of gals that are working on similar projects and I think it would be neat to get to see the results. Kinda like a Show me Yours and I'll Show you Mine-
Didn't mean to be asking so many questions- especially if it is spelled out somewhere. Thanks to all who are helping me get educated in this new way of bragging and sharing. Be good- cheryl
Feed Sack- fabric and tops
11:02 AM, Saturday, January 12, 2008 .. 5 comments .. Link
Nice way to show off fabrics.
Beautiful, small stitching!
This one is for Sam xoxox- I had a wonderful afternoon yesterday visiting with a dear friend, Irene. She let me take pictures of some of her feed sack tops AND she helped rummage through my box of scraps to find some pretties to send to Australia. I will post more pictures when I have time BUT just to tease- here are a few of my favorites.- Cheryl
Hope to mail soon
These blocks are about 4" LOVE the way they are set together.
I love butterflies!
Use those scraps-
Do you LIKE contests?
01:36 PM, Friday, January 11, 2008 .. 2 comments .. Link
Even if you don't like to enter- check out the beautiful blocks that have been sumitted.- cw
Grand Prize: 4-day/3-night trip for ONE to Paducah, KY to attend the AQS Quilt Show, April 23-26, 2008; includes chance to win $10,000 cash by playing the I'm Dreaming of a Quilt Game (ARV $1,000 + cost of airfare).
First Prize: Baby Lock Quest sewing machine (ARV $2,499).
Semi-Finalist Prizes (12): Assortment of Eleanor Burns' Quilt in a Day products, including book, videos and rulers, and $100 certificate to purchase items from Quiltersvillage.com (ARV $300).
Comments: Upload a photo of a quilt block
Is your 'favorite' color PLAID?
12:03 PM, Friday, January 11, 2008 .. 2 comments .. Link
My youngest daughter, Sarah, use to always say that her favorite color is Plaid-
Here's a few links to pictures of some quilted plaid beauties for inspiration. enjoy cheryl
Smoky Mountain Stars http://quiltville. com/smokeymtstar s.shtml
Spaghetti Plaids http://tinyurl. com/33pz2g
Mom Loves Plaids http://tinyurl. com/2qywmg
Scrappy 9-patch & Snow Ball http://tinyurl. com/3ymfpy
Plaid PotPourri (Sampler Quilt) http://tinyurl. com/2qcup4 http://tinyurl. com/37ard7
Diamond Plaids http://tinyurl. com/2uykug
Dad's Plaids (Square in a Square) http://tinyurl. com/33f5qf
Bless This House http://tinyurl. com/2vp5gk
Kathi's Plaids (String quilt) http://tinyurl. com/2weylt
Stars 'n Rails http://tinyurl. com/39uhsc
Fun Applique
10:54 AM, Friday, January 11, 2008 .. 4 comments .. Link
Just for fun: I had been at daughters home in TN and she re-gifted these "unfinished pillows" back to me. This is probably the 3rd time I have received them! Favorite daughter-in-law and I decided to make a baby quilt. Raw edge applique is a favorite technique of mine. The back ground is from my ever growing stash. Quilted Jan 08! One UFO down, many, many, many to go!!
Appliqued down and need to 'trim' it up a bit.
Thought it was cute to put the fronts on one side and the backs on the back side.
Before and After: Almost finished- did this one turn style did not add borders and quilted it with large roses- made a nice soft baby quilt - cw
09:46 AM, Thursday, January 3, 2008 .. 5 comments .. Link
Not a quilt but did find these pictures of puppets I have made. This set is in a church in Nebraska. The school house quilt in the background was made from pink and navy that my mom gave me. I use it for many years and it now lives with the daughter of a dear friend.
The 'goose' puppet is a piece I made for Author, Andy Bowman, he writes Children's Books. I am a friend of his daughter and made this one for him to use when he visits elementary schools. Gilbert the Goose is a very cute book. I will try add more pic when I learn to scan. This is fun- cheryl
Block of the Month-
12:21 AM, Wednesday, January 2, 2008 .. 2 comments .. Link
I have never had much success with following block of the month. For one I am WAY to unorganized and B I can't remember the other two reasons. Anyway I have had way too much time searching QUILT themes on the net this past couple of weeks. The stashbusters over on yahoo are all making plans to use up fabric on hand, they are finishing their SUDOKU quilt (fancy way of getting gals to do a 9-patch) and they are making lists and lists and lists of things to finish (UFO) and cut and trade and you think of it, they are doing it.
I feel a little left out. I am way to disfunctional to write down all my UFO- party b/c I am in denial- to me they are rainy day projects.
I do get points for starting to cut up my stash. My version of cutting is 6", 4", 2.5" strips. I can get pretty much any combo from them I need for the scrap quilts I like to do. The smaller stuff gets put in a pile for cutting butterflies, flowers or any other applique kick I am on at the time.
At this time I am not ready to take any vows not to shop or purchase BUT I will committ to sewing, quilting, offering words of encouragement, sharing ideas and enthusiasm for new and old quilters alike.
Back to the reason I started this note: I changed my mind I am going to follow http://web.archive.org/web/20080213094412/http://www.blockcentral.com/bom2008-intro.shtml BOM and want to challenge others on this blog to join me in piecing one also. I have put it high on my list (the one in my head) to start when I get back to MO. When I found out this gal started the blog site I decided I want to learn more about what she is working on. I might even do this one in Holiday prints- good thing Kelly strip cut that all up for me- yeah!!
Join Me? cheryl
Our First Group Quilt
08:01 PM, Sunday, December 30, 2007 .. 4 comments .. Link
When my friend, Pam was fixing to marry her beloved, Terry- I had the bright idea of making a quilt from the ladies of our church. Her colors were navy and peach. Women were asked to make 6" 9-patch blocks in any colors they thought would go good in a navy quilt. I supplied the background quilt fabric. We had so many blocks turned in that Pam & Terry's quilt ended being a large king size beauty. Extra blocks were used to make graduation quilts for our senior teens and our quilt group was born. We have enjoyed the oppertunity to sew many different projects through the years and this first quilt was a proud accomplishment. I hope to post other quilts that our ladies have worked on and share essays on their accomplishments.
My daughter, Sarah is pictured
with this wedding heirloom. This picture was taken several years ago. Sarah is now married and and has two beautiful little boys! I think this setting is called FERRIS WHEEL, it was machine quilted by a dear friend, Helen Woods (she taught me to machine quilt!)
E-Bay Quilt tops
07:41 PM, Thursday, December 27, 2007 .. 3 comments .. Link
Don/t get excited I'm not selling anything! I bought this top on e-bay several years ago. I figured I might never get around to piecing my own. (I have put a couple of flowers together but a whole quilt top- not on my list of things to do!) This is a picture of a photo which should explain the edges. Anyway I really liked the red background. When the top arrived it was hand sewn with a very scant seam. (This translates to lots of 're-sewing') Decided to load it into the quilting machine upside down to quilt and did an over all tight small roses pattern. That did the trick to 'hold' this beauty together. The couple of seams that didn't get secured got iron on applique bees or butterflies to hide the bad spots.
Anyone else ever have to do a little creative quilting to save a top from the scrap pile?
11:53 AM, Thursday, December 13, 2007 .. 3 comments .. Link
Office is slow today due to weather, but the computer is working and I am surfin' the net. Found what I think has to be my newest favorite that I just have to do- how come I have not seen this one before? http://web.archive.org/web/20080213094412/http://quiltville.com/scrapbargellopf.html this is a beautiful way to use those scraps and the directions are helpful. (I may have to use one of my strip sets from the Christmas pile and make a holiday one too) cw
I got two pannels done last night. KELLY had cut 6" holiday prints sew I re-cut some to 3" and did 5 rows per pannel.. The original quilt called for 2 1/2 and six strips per pannel. Think I need 4 more pannels to call this one good. I am NOT planning to do the braided border on this one, maybe the next one.
Finally got the top finished took about 5 hours total sewing- Lucky for me Kelly pre-cut most of this one.
couple of favorite prints close up.
up dated 12-17-07
AMY made a Valentines version: Check out her progress on http://web.archive.org/web/20080213094412/http://www.myquiltblog.com/sweetnstacked72/ 1-18-08
Simple Quilt top idea.
01:03 PM, Wednesday, December 12, 2007 .. 0 comments .. Link
I needed a quilt quilt top for the boss' kids. One daughter loves horses and the other dogs. This almost seems like cheating BUT the girls flipped over their new TV quilts (I call them snuggle-unders)
Materials : Yard of novelty print of choice, 2 1/2" inner border fabric and a 6" outer border. I did these Turn/Style (sew all edges & batting - good sides together- leaving a spot to turn the quilt inside out). These could be "tied" or machine quilted. And to think I was origionally going to cut the horses up!! Think I get extra credit for using up the paisly on the back. --cw
cut up 9-patch
12:51 PM, Wednesday, December 12, 2007 .. 2 comments .. Link
Daughter-in-law spent most of yesterday stipping my holiday stash. I love getting to come home to piles of TO-DO's. Everything that is less than 6" is in it's own box. Everything yardage is folded for future use. AND my favorite the piles of 6" strips- can't wait to see what scrapy looks we come up with. Of course the easiest I have done recently is the Cut UP 9 Patch. LOVE-LOVE-LOVE the scrapy look with out the tons of prep work. The next couple will be quicker b/c I am strip piecing to start with. This one is for Kelly for cutting the rest of the seasonal fabrics out. (She likes purple
and this uses all the purple I had at the time)
Can't wait to see how she quilts it. - cw
One of the things I like about the scrap look is that one doesn't have to 'think' too much about which fabric to use. Looking back, I probally would have left the purple as the bigger sqs. but at the time it was a med. print so it got put into the spot that would be cut into strips. Kelly strip cut enough to make a total of 8 tops this size BUT I think we will make smaller kid size for the Development Center in our town as our Community project this year. I LOVE my daughter-in-law!-- On this top we purposely turned and mis-turned the blocks to create an even more overall scrapy look.
mystery quilt 2004
11:57 AM, Wednesday, December 5, 2007 .. 2 comments .. Link
LET THE SON SHINE- by Cheryl Willis
The naming of the quilt (and writing of the essay) is always the hardest part of the project for me. Sometimes I think I can Max Lucado it and write a couple of moving paragraphs on the experience of following directions, staying on task, working with others, etc... However this quilt falls short of meeting many measurable goals. First, I did NOT follow directions as to color. Our 'Dark' fabric was to be the dominate print but I deliberately chose a light busy print. The three main colors I chose are not ones that are popular quilt choices. After I finished the middle section, I went outside the rules and picked a 4th color for the small border. AND I bought the (5th) outside border print (CHICKENS) as an after thought. (It was either them or the leopards and ferns that had similar colors) There really is not a point to this story other than, if one is quilting, feel free to make it up as you go and change the rules at your own discression. Quilts are pretty forgiving and most will turn out good enough to bring a smile to someones face. One of our quilters saw my unfinished top and remarked that hers didn't look like it. I explained that I hadn't followed the instructions. She replied that I should have b/c I wrote them and taught them and expected everyone else to do it that way. Now their quilts would look different than mine and someone might conclude that the students had all done theirs 'wrong'
Reprimand acknowledged.
Thankfully in the realm of quilt top construction we are free to make changes. For my Max moment I realized how glad I am that God doesn't change the rules. When we start our walk to be like Christ, He doesn't morph into something else and leave up coming up short. Thus I name this quilt "Let the SON Shine' as a reminder to self that the creation reflects the creator.
Mystery Quilt 2004 was a 3 color quilt: A Dark, a Medium and a Light. (Although in an ideal world, there would be yet another fabric combining the colors to use in the borders. If you find one GREAT! Otherwise, we will repeat either the Dark or the Medium for the border)
Our church group took on this project a couple of years ago- I wanted to share the photos of the finished work. If anyone wants directions to throw together your own project- e-mail me and I will send you the 'booklet'- All I ask is that you send a picture when you get done.- cheryl
The booklets are a 'cut & paste' but for us we are just tickled to get to see our work in a form that we can share with friends and family.
The bottom left hand corner of each page has directions for the next part of the challenge
Sue loves the burgandies, this was a pink quilt! Leigh (top left) chose to have less contrast in her colors using all mediums.
Maxine jumped ahead and did another with 4 colors in it, turned out beautiful.
We like to name our pieces and I try get the gals to 'write an essay' some will, some won't. Deborah found it difficult to pick out fabric not knowing the pattern and was certain she had messed up using a directional fabric. What a nice suprise how wonderful this quilt for her son, Jake turned out.
The tops all took on a life of their own as we started sewing them together.
This gal always goes above and beyond- love the prairie points and alternate layout of the pattern. good job.
The Mystery Quilt is 60 x 72 including borders. BUT instructions are also given for a larger OPTIONAL size of 84 x 96. Hope you liked this one, we sure did. cw
For my Canadian Friends:
10:59 AM, Tuesday, December 4, 2007 .. 2 comments .. Link
When our daughter was in college, one of her friends was a little gal from up north. Sylvie got me hooked on the following song. I wonder if it is officialy the national tune up there in your wonderful country. Enjoy- cheryl
Another for the holidays
12:15 PM, Friday, November 30, 2007 .. 2 comments .. Link
not very fancy but fun to throw together
these pcs were raw-edge appliqued to the white blocks, I plan to machine quilt later this week to have a couple of snuggle-unders to take when I go see the grandboys.
Butterflys anyone?
05:54 PM, Thursday, November 29, 2007 .. 4 comments .. Link
I love to cut scraps when I travel and have lots and lots of these butterflys set back for a rainy day quilt- In fact I hope to start machine embrodiery on a set later tonight. My friend Sue has made a couple for butterfly quilts for Christmas presents this year. Her daughter-in-law glues the pieces for her and Sue machine appliques the butterflys and strip pieces her 16-patch blocks. It is neat for me to get to see someone's interpertation of my mania. I cheat and strip the 16-patches in some of my creations but go for a more random look. I like the way Sue's presents in an orderly fashion. It's all in the eye of the designer.
I use an 8 1/2" block and applique the butterfly on point.
This layout uses 35 Butterflies, 53 WOF strips for sqs.
I "designed" this on paper and "threw" together in a day. I call them 8 hr quilts b/c I can usually do one start to finish in less than 8 hrs. Now that I have so many pre-cut, I have started putting them in baggies and giving the unfinish "kit" as a gift instead of a quilt or top.
If you would like to try your hand at a butterfly top, e-mail me and I will send you a starter kit (Pre-cut scrap butterfly and pattern)- only condition is I limited this to the first 10 to e-mail AND limited it to quilters who will finish the top within 365 days or hand it off to someone who will. I will add photos as they get sent to me.
I like caos- Sue likes order:
sometimes I like to get goofy:
My version of wedding ring quilt.
This one is for when our daughter gets hitched.:
what are the 10 going to do with their sets? I look forward to getting to see- cheryl revised jan08
Saturday, December 29, 2007 - Paid a bill and got a surprise!
I have come back from paying our phone bill down at the local post office, and there was a small parcel waiting for me to collect. It was the parcel from Cheryl! The butterfly quilt pattern and a bag full of pre-cut butterflies all made up of the most amazing assortment of fabrics. It was posted weeks ago but was opened by Australian Customs.... perhaps they like quilting too? Can't wait to see how "quilter" makes her quilt.
One more cut up 9-patch
11:10 AM, Wednesday, November 28, 2007 .. 5 comments .. Link
Sorry had to make one more- this one is for the son of a good friend. She came over and we pieced this one yesterday. Our trade off is that I sew and she folds my laundry. Can't get much better deal than that! cw
Quiet Book Quilt
01:30 PM, Tuesday, November 27, 2007 .. 0 comments .. Link
I love to 'shop' for these little quiet books, I have been known to pay up to $2.00 a panel. (yes I am cheap) Usually I find them at yard sales, or on the discount bin. My favorites are the ABC ones or Bible stories. I like to have an on going stash for baby gifts. This one needs quilted and is headed out to warm a darling 10 mo old boy for the holidays.
Got me looking for other pictures of quilt book quilts. Found this one at grandson's in TN:
I sometimes set them 3 x 4 with either 2 1/2 or 3" sashing. This one is w/o setting sqs.
Depending on the finished size one is looking for - additional borders can be added. I also like to to a 4 x 6 setting using alt blocks of solid/print/pieced the same size as the book pg. Not all quilt book pgs. are the same size so be prepared to fussy cut if you have to. I hope to add additional pictures as I come across them. (12-07).
This was a red & white 'book' so I used white alt. blocks to make it larger for a toddler bed.
Hope you like my 'book' quilts!
FROG Quilt
11:49 AM, Tuesday, November 27, 2007 .. 2 comments .. Link
My friend Linda started this as a mystery quilt with our church group. I made several over the years and since I like to applique, I changed the middle block to conform to what ever project I was working on. The flying geese went together very quick. Linda 'finally' got this done last week almost a year after the original project. Wanted to give her a pat on the back for finishing and putting up with me taking so long to machine quilt it. Love those frogs! cw
I wanted to show a couple of other versions-
My Christmas Girls and...
my son's wedding quilt-
My 9-patch (inspired by Nancy-Rose)
11:46 AM, Tuesday, November 27, 2007 .. 0 comments .. Link
I have been having a blast throwing these together. I have sew many scraps and had a box of 6" sqs already cut. I am thinking I want to make a couple of more with novelty prints and have a batch of kid quilts available when I need them. thanks for the inspiration. cw
As a disclaimer: I don't IRON or RESIZE or in this case REMEASURE (I cut by sight) BUT for this style of scrap quilt, I really like the non-crispness of the lines and think it will machine quilt up fairly nicely. -cw
Christmas Baby Quilt
11:43 AM, Tuesday, November 27, 2007 .. 1 comments .. Link
I spent several hours 'cleaning' in my sewing room and came across the applique pieces. (they were origionally supose to be tree ornimants) The red 9-patches were yard sale treasures looking for a home. I love it when I have the urge to sew and can find pieces that 'go' together so well. Thinking maybe add a border of green/white and call this one done.
Baby Quilt or Doll Quilt?
Founder's Day Quilt
06:07 PM, Thursday, November 15, 2007 .. 0 comments .. Link
Still working on learning how to post pictures. Had to run by the office in Aurora and finally thought to take a picture of this quilt I made earlier for our Broker's, John and Janet. This past January (07) my daughter-in-law and I threw together several small "love" quilts to use for events that needed 'signed'. Our office colors are Americana, traditional Red/White/Blue so we decided to use one of our creations to celebrate our "Founder's Day" get together. Our RE/MAX office was opened in 1999 by the Mareth's. Each agent present got to sign a heart block. What a lovely reminder that we have a great group of co-workers. This quilt hangs in our sister-office in the near by town. Plans are to eventually sew another quilt for our office here in Mt Vernon.
I love to 'scrap' my quilts but cheated by using 2 1/2" strips to make the 9-patches. The hearts were cut out of 6" sqs. If I remember correctly, Kelly and I made three similar tops (1 still needs quilted) I think the other two had slightly smaller hearts on them. Hearts are raw-edge applique by machine. The top is machine quilted border-to-border.
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Let it Snow, Let me SEW!