Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Resolves.....maybe, maybe not

I did something today that I didn't think I would have it in me to do. Not only did I stay on task and finish a TOP, but I then cleaned up my sewing mess and turn off the lights before I left the room.
You would have to know me to know what a HUGE improvement this is on my 'style' of existing.

I have been working for a couple of years "organizing' my sewing/quilting life. I make great strides and then backslide twice as far as I have advanced.

The other day I had hubby bring home a large folding table from the church building and set it up in our den. I then threw everything that wasn't nailed down into piles and moved it ALL in to be sorted. Took a couple of days BUT I finally feel like I know where things are. Instead of having a pile of scraps and a ruler and misc in one box and similar items in another, it is now all where I want it to be. Not bragging or complaining, just reporting the facts.

I inherited an old desk from my father in law. It took some moving around but I have it in the sewing room. It is officially now my cutting area, design station, and spot for the grands to sit and color while I am sewing.
To the right of grandpa's desk is my sewing station, this is a favorite desk given by a friend years ago. It was painted grey and I stripped it and did an oak stain. Wish I had that energy to restore now. I am just going to go with a shabby shabby look.
My third center is a small piece I bought from a client who was moving and didn't have room to take it with them. I keep my 'fancy stitch' machine on it and do most of my raw-edge applique here.
Not pictured is my newest station. An old singer in a wood cabinet has my embroidery machine setting on it. I haven't actually use it since re-organizing BUT I do know where my thread and the books are for it. (This is a big improvement)
Not picture is the closet of finished quilts that was cleaned and refilled. Most of these are future gifts for relatives (OK I mean the grand kids) I also have a library area (An old bookcase on top of a small dresser).
There are a lot of posts going up today about resolutions for the new year. I am not to the point of admitting I have any BUT if I did, one would be to continue to enjoy quilting AND start doing a little 'clean as I go' . I can't believe I got so much stuff in such a small room, better yet, I know what and where most of it is.
Have a wonderful end of 2009- May 2010 have double the good stuff and 1/2 the not so good.- cheryl