Monday, September 28, 2020

Mystery glass buddy.

 So our south acreage use to be part of the town dump.  Sometimes after a rain or after mowing a stray bottle will start to resurface. Imagine my surprise today when I discovered this unearthed treasure.  Thank you to our groundhog for creating such a beautiful yard art scene. I picked through and found several unbroken bottles. I will gather them up later when I remember to bring a bucket.

I think my broken glass collection is going to start growing.

Piles to go.

I am a cluttered individual. 
If you have met me, you have seen some of the layers. 
I am continuously sorting myself out. 
My one truth to hold on too is: I am not as bad as my scrap piles!
I don't compare my totes to yours.
I just know that the more I  reclaim, recycle, reuse, repurpose, and all the other "re's" in my reportoire,  I still have piles and piles to go.


Monday, September 14, 2020

Tylers snake quilt in progress

 Plan is to add Tyler Oxford.

When you listen to a talking snake, there is going to be trouble.

September wagonwheel class rugs day one

We are trying out different wheels.
