Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ros wants one and I want to help- request for orphan blocks coming.....

You know how Cyber friends all "Look Alike"?  Well with a little help from my live body friends and a few blog readers I am hoping to help Ros stand out from the crowd.  (or at least her car will-lol)

Dive into your orphan blocks and send me a few that you would like to see put to a fun use.  Here is the post that got Ros excited.  http://ros-the-quilter.blogspot.com/2013/05/i-want-one.html  Let's see if we can help her achieve her vision.

I don't want to give out other peoples snail mail so you can feel free to send me your blocks and I will forward to Ros (my live body quilting friends are all going to pitch in a block each)  OR you can comment on her post and she can communicate her addy to you.  My goal is to get mine off in the mail by May 31th, so if you are sending some to me to forward do it now!!
Test Block for QuiltMakers 100 blocks--  Orphan in the box for ROS

My addy is:  Cheryl Willis  23598 Lawrence 1100  Monett, MO 65708

Thanks in advance--I think it will be fun to see her progress!