Monday, May 7, 2012

I am not an embroiderier (yet)

In my defense, I have only had this machine about 6 yrs.  I have made a couple of labels and many throw away projects.  I keep thinking all I need is to commit to learning how and do it.

This practice piece (and that is a biggie for me to practice- I almost just pinned in the quilt and went with it) will be framed and kept as a reminder.  A reminder that I have NO business trying to embroidery with or without a machine!!

My first line, I 'forgot' to lower the presser foot.  Totally messed up the first letter.  I re-threaded (after clearing the thread jam) and continued.  Not too bad so I figured I would just 'start' again and stop after the "B".

Didn't realize that my machine cuts thread after a line.  SO.... now I had to re-thread again.

My machine is a touch screen.  My fingers evidently ''touch'' everywhere on the pad except what I want to be touched.  I spent a lot of time erasing and starting over.

The third line, I learned about spacing.  I didn't learn very well but I did learn a lesson.

The last line is wonky.  One reason is I dumped everything out of the hoop when I tried to cut a thread.  Two is I didn't load it back up very straight.  And three is I evidently hit a different size font.

30 minutes later I have confirmed that I am not mature enough to do machine embroidery.  Maybe next year!  Thankfully I have grown up enough to have not practiced on a real quilt- lol