Friday, February 24, 2017

Another fun Mystery Reader day--

Good Friend, Deb H and I got to collaborate on surprising the Weaton, Mo 2 grade classes with an interactive 'mystery' story.  Using the same 'book' from last months visit to My grand daughter, (Breely's )1st grade class, I was able to re-write the first names of 40 students  from Deb's grand daughter (Kylie's) class into the story.  Very proud to say that I have learned a few new-to-me names.  I did fairly well with pronouncing the kiddos but not so well on the host teacher's.

Special Thanks to everyone who helped me get ready for the adventure.  We have sewn up over 100 puppets since January.  Our Ladies Bible class chipped in to cut out most of them--lol.  Donated yarns made for some pretty interesting "hair".

I am seriously considering re-writing the story w/puppet pattern & instructions so other parents or grandparents can enjoy surprising their child's peers with their own Mystery Reader Surprise.

Work table--scrap yarn rolled up to use as puppet hair.

Puppet reading buddy, embellished by 2nd grade student.

Bodie told me he is from Scotland.  He wrote :Best day ever" on his puppets shirt.

students lined up for a puppet parade and I enjoyed getting to High Five their new puppet buddies.

Kylie was so surprised to see us.  I enjoyed getting to visit her class.

Both 2nd grade classrooms participated in the project.  My skills at taking photos is a little off.  I thought I was getting two shots of the left and right sides of the group.  My left turned out pretty fuzzy.