Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Scrappy BLUE's work in progress

Scrappy Blues's is all cut out, sitting in a pile and not sewing its self together (where are those little elves when you need them)

I am making 6 1/2" blocks. They go together pretty quick. I can see doing this in a larger block with novelty or kids prints.

My distraction is the Red, White and BLUES top that I also have cut out.
For some reason, this one is getting a little attention from me.
I am liking the way the blocks go together.

No promises that either will get finished but both are at least to the UFO stage.

I am using red/pinks and cream/tans with misc blues. to make an 8 1/2" block

I haven't decided if I will do a border.
Originally I was going to make the top using the block that has red outside edges.
I miss cut and did a couple of the checkerboard blocks and really like how they turned out.

I wonder which one I will get finished first?