Saturday, December 15, 2012

stained glass is finished and hung!

At 9:00 this morning, Carl, Mike and  Scott  worked to get the stained glass window hung in the new addition to the church building.

This was (and may forever be) our first collaborated effort in doing any thing creative.

Special Thanks to my good friend and mentor Connie for putting up with us as she taught us the skills to do this masterpiece.  I know she could have 'thrown the whole thing together in a couple of days' but she encouraged us to work at our own pace and we enjoyed the journey.

I know there are no stained glass police, just like there are no quilting police.  Just the same, I have to brag and say that this looks good from the road. 

It was quite hard to get a photo of the guys working.  The sun coming in through the glass is so bright it is almost blinding.

The sun really is so bright coming through the glass that this shot makes the colors look clear.  I used photobucket to crop this picture and add the caption.

We ended up taking the window down and added a layer of pellon to diffuse the direct sun light.
I really like the pattern hubby came up with so I think we will do this again with a different glass.  After we all hold our breath while the second window is being made, this one can get moved to an inside wall.  Maybe then it won't blind you when you get to close- lol

Finally finished, 3 ft x 5 ft.  What a fun first piece!  Remember to wear your sunglasses to Sunday service- lol