Sunday, July 8, 2012

What to do with rescued UFO's

A few years ago I picked up this double knit bow ties.  It needs work.  I figured I could un-sew a few rows and re-set it into a nice utility quilt.   Well you know the best laid plans and all.......

The other day I got another UFO from a yard sale.  The gal threw it in for free b/c there was only 1/2 of a top.  Her mom was working on a double knit project.  I assume someone else bought the squares that would finish this.  Nice thing about showing up late to a sale, you don't have to spend as much as the early birds.
I thought I could cheat and just add a light solid w/some applique for another good size utility keepsake.
Kind of a Sunshine and Shadows style.

Would you believe these two pieces are about the same size.  What are the chances of that!!

I pinned right sides together across the top and side just to be sure.  They are a perfect match!  The diagonal seam on the top piece matches perfect with the diagonal set of the bottom bow ties.

Now if I can just find a needle that will sew double knit!
I think there will be enough of the small bow ties left over to make a small rug.
I just love getting to rescue other people's UFOs!

I picked up about a dozen yards of a nice Red double knit  at the last yard sale too.  I think it will make a very nice back for this soon to be new utility snuggle under.  A thin batt and yarn ties will be a nice way to add a TA- Done to my list of TO-DOs this year.

I haven't measured this yet but it is pretty big!

Thought I would play with the image in PhotoBucket- what do you think?