Good friend, Dawn gifted me hundreds of these little mini 4-patches that she got from a friend.
She knows that I love scrappy scrappy and would have just the right project for them.
I have been wanting to start a hand sewing project to have something to work on this winter. Adding 2" black borders to the center and then 2" of 4-patches will give me areas to do a little applique' or embroidery later.
Now it measures 36" x 40"
Here are a few more that that I played with today to gift back to Dawn.
This one is a 6 1/2" block, look at the tiny tiny 9-patches between the grey sqs.
There is a lot of sewing in these pieces. I wonder what the original maker was planning. I hope if/when she sees what I have done she is pleased.
If you ever have a friend that wants to pass on scraps, give me a call. I love to add to my stash!-
I really enjoy picking up other's UFO's and finding a new way to finish them.